This paper describes the possibility of using modern technologies specifically on bicycle paths. The GNSS, known as the global navihgational satellite system, is the number of satellites in the space that sends precise location information back to Earth. Signals are obtained using a GNSS instrument used to calculate its location, speed, time at location, height of location and other information . GNSS systems can be very useful for the orientation of both tourists and competent persons for the maintenance of bicycle paths. It is a comparison of accuracy and convenience between geodetic GNSS receiver on the one side and handheld and "smartphone" GNSS devices on the other side, as well as display of measurements on different types of maps that are also subject to comparison. In addition, the correlation between the read values of "accuracy" during the measurement and deviation of individual measurements from their mean value has been investigated. The importance of the research carried out is that the available sources do not explicitly explain or define the notion of accuracy that such devices display on their screens during measurement.
The tracks are measuredin the spring and summer of 2018. You can see their position on google and open street maps. It describes preparation for work, used tools and programs that give insight into details of measurements during data processing.