
Povezava med japonskim in danskim grafičnim oblikovanjem
ID Iljaž, Irena (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v prvem poglavju predstavlja zgodovinske, kulturne in druţbene smernice, ki so vplivale na razvoj sodobne Japonske. V nadaljevanju opiše japonsko estetiko in oblikovanje ter opredeli načela japonskega oblikovanja: uporabo barv, tipografije, motivov in oblik ter estetskih in oblikovalskih principov. Naslednje poglavje na podoben način izpostavlja dansko zgodovino, kulturo in druţbo, nadaljuje z opisom danskega oblikovanja in estetiko, zaključi pa se z značilnostmi danskega oblikovanja, kot so značilne barve, uporaba tipografije, motivov in oblik ter principi oblikovanja in estetike. Sledi kratka predstavitev dansko-japonskih odnosov in medsebojnih vplivov na estetiko in umetnost. Poglavje v nadaljevanju predstavi skupne estetske vrednosti, ki povezujeta japonsko in dansko oblikovanje. Teoretični del diplomskega dela se zaključi s kratko razlago funkcije in osnovnih elementov celostne grafične podobe. Naslednje poglavje opredeli tematiko in področja dela ter opiše postopke in orodja, uporabljena pri oblikovanju. V nadaljevanju so podrobno predstavljene oblikovalske rešitve, ki so nastale glede na japonske ali danske načine oblikovanja. Celostni grafični podobi sta sestavljeni iz logotipa in aplikacij (vizitka, dopisni list, kuverta in plakat). Logotip je podrobneje opredeljen s tipografijo, barvami, postavitvami na format in variacijami. Zadnje poglavje diplomskega dela prikaţe rezultat raziskave, ki temelji na analizi logotipov in aplikacij.

Keywords:Japonska, Danska, dansko-japonski odnosi, oblikovanje, estetika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107802 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The connection between graphic design of Japan and Denmark
The first chapter of the diploma thesis describes historical, cultural and social principles that have shaped present-day Japan. The topic expands with the description of Japanese aesthetics and design as well as usage of colors, typography, motifs, and shapes along with aesthetic and design principles of Japan. The following chapter furthermore highlights the topic of Denmark, beginning with historical, cultural and social objectives that have shaped Denmark. Secondly, it presents common colors, typography, motifs, shapes, and the design and aesthetic principles of Denmark. Finally, a brief explanation of the relations between Denmark and Japan introduces the historical interactions of the two. The chapter continues with the interactions between the aesthetics and art of both countries. The above mentioned is establishing the common aesthetic values that link Japanese and Danish design. The section ends with a brief explanation of the function and elements of corporate identity. Next section of the diploma thesis establishes the topic and the field of work as well as method and tools used for the project. The next chapter shows the design solutions based on Japanese or Danish design principles. The corporate identities consist of logotype and applications that include a business card, stationery, and poster. The logotype is moreover defined by typography, color combinations, page layouts, and logotype variations. The closing chapter illustrates the outcome of the research based on analysis of logotypes and applications.

Keywords:Japan, Denmark, Denmark-Japan relations, design, aesthetics

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