
Sinteza spinskih označevalcev za ogljikove nanocevke
ID Jerković, Olga (Author), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 98F2526AF9AD0AABD8B2ECA104B62461

Spinsko označevanje je metoda pritrjevanja stabilnih paramagnetnih molekul na material, ki ga želimo preiskovati, z namenom pridobitve selektivnih strukturnih in dinamičnih informacij z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco, metodo za detekcijo nesparjenih elektronov. Z vključevanjem spinskih sond v izbrani sistem in preučevanjem radikalov z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco lahko pridobimo informacije o membranskih modelnih sistemih in bioloških membranah. Sintetizirali smo sedem spinskih sond, ki v svoji strukturi vsebujejo ciklični nitroksidni radikal in planarno aromatsko strukturo. Po zaključeni sintezi smo produkte reakcij čistili in ločevali s kolonsko »flash« kromatografijo. Nove spojine smo okarakterizirali s pomočjo masne spektrometrije, infrardeče spektroskopije in elektronske paramagnetne resonance. Pokazali smo, da sinteza nitroksidnih spinskih sond ni težavna in daje dobre izkoristke ter malo stranskih produktov. Rezultati predstavljajo pomembna izhodišča za nadaljnjo optimizacijo sinteze spinskih sond. Le-te se lahko uporabijo pri raziskavah lastnosti (s spinskimi sondami označenih) nanocevk v bioloških sistemih s pomočjo elektronske paramagnetne resonance, spremljanja njihove dinamike in preverjanja morebitnih citotoksičnih in citoprotektivnih učinkov.

Keywords:spinske sonde, EPR, spinsko označevanje, ogljikove nanocevke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.04.2019
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Title:Synthesis of spin labels for carbon nanotubes
Spin labeling is a method of attaching stable paramagnetic molecules to the material of investigation in order to obtain selective structural and dynamic information with electron paramagnetic resonance, a method for the detection of unpaired electrons. By incorporating spin probes into the selected system and studying radicals with electron paramagnetic resonance, we can obtain information about membrane modeling systems and biological membranes. We have synthesized seven spin probes, which contain the cyclic nitroxide radical and planar aromatic structure in their structure. After synthesis, the reaction products were purified and separated by column flash chromatography. New compounds were characterized by mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance. We have shown that the synthesis of nitroxide spin probes is not difficult and gives good yields and few by-products. Results are important starting points for further optimization of the synthesis of spin probes. These can be used for future studies of carbon nanotubes attached to spin probes in biological systems, using electron paramagnetic resonance, monitoring their dynamics and checking possible cytotoxic and cytoprotective effects.

Keywords:spin probes, EPR, spin labeling, carbon nanotubes

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