In my work I briefly wrote about the history of disks and the operation different type of disks. I summarize the process of installing a server that is connected
via the fibre switches to the storage. In the end, I did tests of different types of
disks on the storage.
I ask myself if different types of drives affect the speed of the information
technology system. The response of the storage depends on the speed of the
drives in random access and when reading data (table 5.2). When we have a lot
of hard disk, we can speed up the system with additional flash drive. In the case
of replacing hard drives with SSD, restrictions are no longer themself (graph 5.4),
but others parts of the information technology system. It is clear from the graphs
that we come to the limit of the controller (graph 5.5).
I was also interested in finding the next limitation on the speed of the infor-
mation system. For other limitations, I am testing the SSD. So we can search all
further restrictions.
For tests that are so different for different types of disks, I create compare
groups (RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks) that contain the same
number of disks. Program Iometer generates traffic and measure response to this
traffic (section Nabox is tool which can use for measure storage in details
(section The results from test I compare to calculation from simulator
in section 5.1.