A child begins to become acquainted with mathematics, which follows us at every step of the way of our life, as early as in preschool. We have to be aware that a child experiences the world holistically and it is we, adult preschool teachers, who take into account said child's knowledge, interest, wishes and development. We also enable the discovery of new knowledge in different ways as well as through interdisciplinary correlation.
The task of preschool teachers is to provide children with diverse experiences as a child learns most whenever actively and independently engaged in an activity. Increasingly, preschools feature the learning approach of interdisciplinary correlation, which allows children to understand the interconnectedness of different contents and processes. Interdisciplinary correlation requires a bit more time for activity planning, but results in higher quality outcomes which span more areas and thus enable comprehensive learning.
The empirical part presents mathematical activities relating with other curricular areas and the analysis of said activities which I conducted in the first age period. The purpose of the activity was to determine whether children in the first age period were capable of classifying the given elements according to the selected criteria, to ascertain the children's response throughout sorting activities and to establish the progress of children in understanding the content of the classification.