Introduction: Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine, which is expressed as a rotation and a deviation in the frontal and sagittal plane (Košak, 2009). The goal of rehabilitation of a patient with scoliosis is to prevent the progression of the curve and to reduce the changes that have occurred on the spine and trunk. The long-term goal is also to prevent a deterioration in the quality of life associated with the patient's health (Naglič et al, 2014). The choice of what kind of orthosis to prescribe to the patient depends on the initial curve, the speed of progression of the curve, and the opinion of the medical team. There are several different orthoses used to correct scoliosis. With the onset of therapy, the patient becomes stressed, as the patient does not know where this therapy is taking him. By wearing orthosis, he changes his way of liveing, which causes a certain burden on the adolescent (Reichel, Schanz, 2003). In order to discover the quality of life, many questionnaires have been compiled to help us determine whether the patient feels good or feels stress during treatment, and whether treatment on the patient leaves negative psychological consequences. Purpose: The purpose of the final thesis is to find out whether orthotic wear in patients with AIS causes emotional stress and poor self-esteem. Methods: In the final thesis, the descriptive method was used with a systematic review of literature, which mainly related to various methods of detecting well-being in patients with AIS. We will be looking at four questionnaires, which will help us to develop our own questionnaire later, on the basis of which we will conduct an interview with former patients. Results: The questionnaire consists of 9 main questions, which are primarily aimed at discovering the patient's feelings while wearing orthosis and social life during the rehabilitation process. The study involved 6 female participants who had already completed the rehabilitation process. Only women were selected, as AIS is more common with girls than in boys. The average age of participants in the study was 23.5 years. During the rehabilitation process, they used Milwaukee orthosis or Rigo - Chêneau ortozo. Discussion and conclusion: During the review of the results of the interviews, we discovered that the orthosis affected each other differently, but at the same time all the participants felt distress during rehabilitation. Concerns about their own appearance have caused some patients not to appear in the public with orthosis, the main consequence of which was that the orthosis was not worn by a sufficient amount of time. We have discovered that to females with AIS means a lot if the family helps them, encourages them and cooperates with them during the rehabilitation process.