
Predstavitev grafike in oblikovanja skozi ilustracijo in igro
ID Pajk, Lucija (Author), ID Slavec, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi večletnega dela v vrtcu začetek magistrske naloge sega daleč nazaj. V delu smo se ukvarjali s problemom predstavitve poklicev grafike in aranžerstva otrokom, ki strokovne terminologije ne razumejo. Naslov dela je: Predstavitev grafike in oblikovanja skozi ilustracijo in igro. V začetnih poglavjih je bila predstavljena analiza dosedanjih raziskav na področju grafike, aranžerstva in pedagogike, v nadaljevanju pa preprost povzetek osnovnih tehnik tiska, kot so sitotisk, fleksotisk, 3D tisk in drugi. Povzeli smo osnovno znanje pojmov o grafiki in tiskarstvu, s preprostimi razlagami, ki jih otroci razumejo. V magistrskem delu je bil s posebnim poudarkom predstavljen poklic aranžerskega tehnika. Predstavljeni so bili osnovni pojmi, predvsem pojmi likovne teorije, kot so točka, linija, kompozicija, kontrast, barva, harmonija … Likovna teorija je bila odskočna deska za vsako oblikovanje, prav tako se povezuje z obema omenjenima poklicema. Predstavljeno je bilo načrtovanje izzivov, s katerimi so se morali otroci v igri spopadati, predstavljena so bila tudi navodila za igro. Izzivi so primerni za nivo osnovnošolskega otroka, ponekod jih spremljajo ilustracije, ki snov podrobneje predstavljajo. Ne manjka niti analiza vseh grafičnih del. V eksperimentalnem delu so bili izzivi praktično izdelani v prototipu igre same, zato je bilo v nadaljevanju predstavljeno grafično načrtovanje nalog, tudi embalaže in materiali za igro. Analize grafičnega oblikovanja smo podali kritično in nazorno. V zaključku smo se dotaknili izvedbe igre in odziva otrok nanje.

Keywords:predstavitev, grafični oblikovalec, aranžerski tehnik, igra, likovna teorija, tehnike tiska, otroci, ilustracije.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106458 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2019
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Title:Presenting graphic design through ilustration and game
Due to my long-year work at the kindergarten, the beginning of this paper dates back many years ago. The paper focuses on the presentation of the professions of the graphic designer and visual merchandising technician to the children who do not understand terminology. Title of the paper is: Presenting graphic design through ilustration and game. The initial chapters present the analysis of the previous research in the fields of graphic design, visual merchandising and pedagogy. They are followed by a simple summary of the basic printing techniques, such as screen printing, flexography, 3D printing and others. The paper summarizes basic terms from graphical design and printing with simple descriptions, which children understand. The master paper focuses on the profession of the visual merchandising technician. Some basic terms, especially from the visual arts theory, such as the point, line, composition, contrast, colour and harmony are presented. The visual arts theory is a springboard for every type of design, and it is also closely connected to both mentioned professions. Planning of the challenges that the children face during play as well as instructions for the play were described. The challenges are suitable for primary school children, and they are sometimes accompanied by illustrations, which present the subject in detail. In addition, all graphic works are analysed. In the experimental part, the challenges are practically created in the prototype of the game, which is why graphical planning of the tasks, also packaging and materials for the game, are presented later on. The analyses of the graphical design were presented critically and explicitly. The paper concludes with the implementation of the game and the children’s reaction to it.

Keywords:presentation, graphic designer, visual merchandising technician, game, the visual arts theory, printing techniques, children, illustrations.

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