There are many factors influencing the quality of chocolate. Beside the genetic type of a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao), growth environment and processing steps of cocoa seeds, the impact of microorganisms is an important factor at the formation of chocolate flavour. Bioproces that flows out from the mixture of seeds and pulp is a vital step in the chocolate flavour formation. During the bioproces, many biochemical conversions of indogene substrates in seeds occur. As a result, precursors of chocolate aroma are formed, which are then linked together in the following processing steps of cocoa seeds. Various strains contribute to the formation of different precursors, which results in different chocolate flavours. Chocolate manufacturers cannot afford oscillations in the quality of their products, therefore in the beginning of the 20th century, researches into the development of the starter cultures began. With a proper starter culture, control of the fermentation process would be ensured, as well as a more hygienic production and an improved flavour of chocolate. While the growth of a cocoa tree is threatened by the climate changes, the worst predictions say that cocoa could again become the food of the wealthy.