
Arabska vstaja—primerjava uspeha Jasmina z neuspehom Jeze
ID Dalati, Batavija (Avtor), ID Ferfila, Bogomil (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 97D5263AB848B443C494DA1183F0627F

V Tuniziji so proti koncu 2010 zanetili iskro Arabske vstaje in njen ogenj se je razširil po celotni regiji in postal problem severne Afrike in Bližnjega vzhoda. Domino efekt je pahnil dežele v razmere zmede in nemirov. Teza se poslužuje metode primerjalnega pristopa tekom katere primerjam dve vidni državi v regiji. Tunizija, kjer se je iskra upora prižgala, je stopala naprej po poti demokratizacije.Na drugi strani je Egipt, močna arabska država, kljub temu da ni bil potegnjen v državljansko vojno, zabredel v blato avtoritarizma. Dva bistvena akterja, ki sta vplivala na razvoj dogodkov v obeh državah sta bila vojska in Islamske stranke.Vojska je usmerjala tok vstaje tako, da se je postavila v bran ali pa proti koristim ljudstva.V deželah močno prisotne Islamske stranke so vplivale na dogodke tako, da so odprle pot dijaloga in možnosti sekularnega razvoja ali pa ne. Oba akterja, s svojimi podedovanimi predstavami o prihodnosti in idejologijami kako vladati, sta vodila vsako od omenjenih držav po njeni lastni drugačni poti. K sreči je Tunizija s svojo Revolucijo jasmina dobila možnost, da se odtrga od diktature. Na drugi strani so okoliščine, ki so na žalost obdajale egiptovsko Revolucijo jeze, potisnile deželo v kremplje avtoritarizma.

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Ključne besede:avtoritarizem, demokratizacija, Arabska vstaja, revolucija, vojska, Islamske stranke.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106137 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:36024413 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.01.2019
Število ogledov:1396
Število prenosov:402
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Naslov:The Arab Uprising—Comparing Jasmine’s success to Rage’s failure
The Arab Uprising has been an issue of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) since the late 2010, when its spark got ignited in Tunisia. The domino effect spread in the region dragging countries into a state of restlessness and confusion. The thesis follows a comparative approach in which two outstanding countries in the region are compared: Tunisia as the initiator of the spark and the leader country in its path to democratization, and Egypt as a powerful Arab country which, despite not falling into civil war, was still being dragged in the mud of authoritarianism. Two major factors that contributed to the process of events taking place in the two countries were the military and Islamic parties. The military had its effect on the revolution while siding with or against the benefit of the nation; the Islamic parties of stronger presence in the country also had their effect on the process of events in either opening or not opening the path for dialogue and secular development in the country. Both agents with their inherited perspectives and ideologies on the way of ruling led each of the mentioned countries to its own different path. Luckily, with the Jasmine Revolution, Tunisia was given the chance to tear away from the dictatorship; but unluckily for Egypt, the circumstances surrounding Rage Revolution pushed the country further into the claws of authoritarianism.

Ključne besede:authoritarianism, democratization, Arab Uprising, revolution, military, Islamic parties.

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