Today the term Other mainly refers to the refugees from the Middle East, however it referred to the other nations in the past aswell. According to the results of the last parliamentary elections in Slovenia, the winning party is openly defending the negative attitude towards the Other through the media and verbal attacks. Some political parties have chosen the refugees and exposed them in an inappropriate way to the wider public, in order to advertise their political programe, eventhough the claims on the refugees were later proven to be untrue. The latest events in the Middle East coincide with the (negative) image of the Others we have in the West. When the refugees arrived on Slovenian soil, this discourse did not change, but only deepened. Even today, we have not got rid of the negative perception of the East and the Other, which is largely contributed by the Media with emphasis on the negative aspect of this part of the world. In this thesis, I want to research how people, media and politics in the West represent a region and its people who have reopened the themes of human rights, solidarity, (neo) racism and, above all, the perception of the Other.