It has been 24 years since the commercialization of the first genetically modified plant-tomato 'Flavr Savr' (year 1994) with the trait of delayed ripening. Despite EU disapproval of the GMOs the adoption and spreading of this technology in global area in the field of agriculture is still growing, besides that plants obtained through genome editing techniques are expected to be cultivated soon. New genetically modified traits get approved every year. They first planted GMO-s in the year 1996 in the covered area of 1.7 million ha including GMO soybeans, corn and cotton. In the year 2015 the area planted with GMO increased to 179,7 million ha which is a 100-fold increase and shows good adoption rate from farmers. This area represents 10% of total world agricultural land. In the year of 2014 30 % of corn, 82 % of soybean, 25 % of canola in 68 % of cotton on global level were biotech crops. In this Bachelor thesis we have presented the transgenic events and companies used gene transfer tehniques and authorizations for direct use and processing in food, feed and domestic or non-domestic cultivation which have been approved by different countries/authorities in the years of 2011-2016. We have accomplished this taks with the search of different databases such are ISAAA GM Approval Database, Biosafety clearing house and the website of EU commission on GMOs allowed in EU.