Corruption and financial fraud occur in specific social environments and in various forms in the public sector and the economy. Due to their spread, they affect the economic development and quality of life of the population.
This thesis examines and illustrates how the European Union (EU) deals with financial fraud and corruption prevention and protects its financial interests. Based on an analysis of the functioning of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) I present its development, mode of operation and main responsibilities. The thesis also contains a survey and an overview of how Slovenia deals with some of the more serious financial fraud and corruption cases. The purpose of the thesis is to present the causes and consequences of financial fraud and corruption and their impact on the rule of law.
Based on the study of a variety of literature and sources that describe financial fraud and corruption, I analysed the acquired data with the help of a descriptive research method and compilation and presented the findings that corruption and financial fraud affect the economic development and the quality of life of the population. I also used the evaluation research method and included the results of the hypotheses verification.
In the thesis I explain why a comprehensive anti-corruption policy is needed, how investigations based on the information received are being carried out, what measures can be taken based on the investigations findings, and whether the Slovenian institutions are effective in prosecuting the established violations in this regard. Furthermore, I found out that national institutions are not effective in prosecuting financial fraud and corruption, as investigations and measures are often time-consuming and law enforcement levels are low, leading to a low level of trust in the fairness, equality and security of citizens.