
ID ZAVRL, MATEJA (Avtor), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 836D70108CF1B69F9711901B9A8FBA7F

Tematika stranskih udeležencev v upravnem postopku je izredno kompleksna in zahtevna za upravni organ, saj so lahko pravne posledice napačne oziroma nepopolne odločitve tudi odškodninska odgovornost države ter odstranitev objekta. V magistrskem delu je temeljito analizirana procesna in materialna zakonodaja s področja prostora, gradnje in postopka izdaje gradbenega in uporabnega dovoljenja ter sodna praksa s poudarkom na vlogi in vplivu stranskih udeležencev. Pri izdelavi magistrskega dela sem uporabila metodo raziskovanja, s katero sem zbrala potrebno gradivo ter se seznanila s temo raziskovanja, s pomočjo metode deskripcije sem raziskala zakonitosti delovanja upravnih organov, s pomočjo zgodovinske metode sem analizirala, kako se je tematika skozi čas spreminjala, z metodo kompilacije sem pregledala dosedanje opravljene raziskave in dela z obravnavanega področja, s pomočjo metode anketiranja sem v obliki anketnega vprašalnika zbrala in analizirala podatke, s pomočjo primerjalne metode sem primerjala materialno in procesno zakonodajo s prakso sodišč in s pomočjo metode dedukcije sem na podlagi pridobljenih teoretičnih spoznanj podala lastne sklepe o obravnavani temi. V magistrskem delu sem raziskala ali Evropska unija prepušča članicam nacionalno avtonomijo pri pravnem urejanju pridobitve gradbenih in povezanih dovoljenj oziroma vlogo stranskih udeležencev v postopkih. Hipoteza je bila potrjena. Z raziskavo na upravnih enotah sem ugotavljala ali stranski udeleženci v praksi upravnih enot ključno prispevajo k daljšanju postopkov izdaje gradbenih dovoljenj in ali upravne enote pozdravljajo novo gradbeno zakonodajo. Na podlagi izvedene raziskave sem obe hipotezi zavrnila. Rezultati raziskovanja magistrskega dela lahko služijo kot pripomoček za nadaljnjo razširitev raziskave. Magistrsko delo je uporabno na znanstvenem in strokovnem upravnem področju.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:gradbeni zakon, upravni postopek, stranka, gradbeno in uporabno dovoljenje, stranski udeleženec, trajanje postopkov, pravna sredstva, upravne enote
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105712 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.12.2018
Število ogledov:2355
Število prenosov:759
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The subject of the side participants in the administrative procedure is extremely complex, demanding for the administrative body, since the legal consequences of an incorrect or incomplete decision can also be the state's liability for damages and the removal of the facility. The purpose of the master's thesis was to thoroughly study and analyze procedural and substantive legislation in the sphere of space, construction and the procedure for the issuance of a building permit, as well as case-law, with an emphasis on the role and influence of the side participants. In the preparation of the master's thesis, I used the research method by which I collected the necessary materials and got acquainted with the topic of research, with the help of the description method I examined the facts and laws of the functioning of the administrative bodies, using the historical method I analyzed how the topic changed over time the method of compilation, I determined the previous research and work done in the field, using the survey method, I collected and analyzed the data in the form of a questionnaire, using the comparative method, I compared the material and procedural legislation with the practice of the courts and, using the deduction method, of the findings made its own conclusions on the subject under discussion. In the master's thesis, I investigated whether the European Union leaves to the Member States a national autonomy in the legal regulation of the acquisition of building permits or the role of the side participans. The hypothesis was confirmed. By researcing the administrative units, I determined whether the side participants in the practice of administrative units make a key contribution to the prolongation of the procedures for issuing building permits and whether the administrative units welcome new construction legislation. On the basis of the performed research, I dismissed both hypotheses. The results of the research of the master's thesis can serve as a tool for further extension of the research. The master's thesis is useful in the scientific and professional administrative field.

Ključne besede:construction law, administrative procedure, client, building and operating permit, side participant, duration of procedures, remedies, administrative units

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