
Analiza uspešnosti poslovanja gospodarskih družb v slovenskem kmetijstvu
ID Gorjanc, Tjaša (Author), ID Kuhar, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V Sloveniji ne razpolagamo s podrobnimi analizami poslovanja gospodarskih družb, registriranih v kmetijstvu, zato je namen te naloge proučitev poslovanja tega segmenta. V letu 2016 je bilo v Sloveniji registriranih nekaj manj kot 70 tisoč kmetijskih gospodarstev. Največji delež teh so predstavljale družinske kmetije, pravnih oseb pa je bilo zgolj nekaj manj kot 500. Za leto 2016 smo za skupine teh gospodarskih družb (GD), določenih po SKD 2008, predstavili izbrane kazalnike poslovanja. V obravnavanem letu sta imeli najboljše poslovne rezultate skupini A 01.1 Pridelovanje netrajnih rastlin in A 01.2 Gojenje trajnih nasadov. Za primerjavo GD v desetletnem obdobju smo uporabili indeks konkurenčnosti industrije (ICI), ki zajema kazalnike rasti (kosmati donos od poslovanja), dobičkonosnosti (čista donosnost sredstev) in produktivnosti (dodana vrednost na zaposlenega). Opažamo, da vrednost ICI-ja pri vseh skupinah znaša nekje med 28 in 38, kar pomeni, da posebej velikega odstopanja ni zaznati. Najkonkurenčnejše so GD, ki so registrirane za pridelovanje poljščin, vinogradništvo in rejo perutnine, najmanj konkurenčni pa skupini gojenje drugih trajnih nasadov in vrtnarstvo. Z nalogo smo želeli ugotoviti tudi, ali imajo deskriptivne in strukturne značilnosti vpliv na razlike v uspešnosti poslovanja GD. Uspeli smo dokazati, da obstajajo povezave med vrednostjo ICI –ja ter kohezijsko regijo, v kateri je družba registrirana, njeno velikostjo in organizacijsko obliko. V nalogi smo želeli preveriti tudi, ali produktivnost dela v GD narašča hitreje od povprečja celotnega kmetijstva, vendar nam z izbrano metodologijo tega ni uspelo dokazati.

Keywords:gospodarske družbe, kmetijska podjetja, indeks konkurenčnosti industrije, poslovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Gorjanc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105533 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9144953 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the Slovenian agricultural companies' business performance
In Slovenia we do not dispose with detailed analysis of business performance of companies registered in Slovenian agriculture. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to study this segment. In 2016, fewer than 70 000 agricultural companies (AC) were registered in Slovenia. Family farms represented the largest share, while there were only 500 AC. For 2016, we present the selected aggregated business indicators for AC groups according to the SCA 2008. We found that the best business results were made by the groups A 01.1 Growing of non-perennial crops and A 01.2 Growing of perennial crops. For the comparison of the companies over the ten-year period, we used the industrial competitiveness index (ICI), which includes indicators for growth (gross returns on operations), profitability (net return on assets) and productivity (added value per employee). We note that the value of the ICI in all groups is somewhere between 28 and 38, which means that there is no particularly large deviation to be found. The most competitive AC are registered for the growing of crops, viticulture and poultry farming, while the least competitive AC are registered for growing of other perennial crops and gardening. We wanted to determine whether the descriptive and structural characteristics have an impact on the performance of the AC. We show that there are possible links between the value of the ICI and the AC'S cohesion region, the AC’ size and organizational structure. We also wanted to see whether the productivity in AC is growing faster than in the total agriculture. Unfortunately, with the selected methodology, we were unable to prove this.

Keywords:companies, agricultural companies, industrial competitiveness index, business performance

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