In Slovenia we do not dispose with detailed analysis of business performance of companies registered in Slovenian agriculture. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to study this segment. In 2016, fewer than 70 000 agricultural companies (AC) were registered in Slovenia. Family farms represented the largest share, while there were only 500 AC. For 2016, we present the selected aggregated business indicators for AC groups according to the SCA 2008. We found that the best business results were made by the groups A 01.1 Growing of non-perennial crops and A 01.2 Growing of perennial crops. For the comparison of the companies over the ten-year period, we used the industrial competitiveness index (ICI), which includes indicators for growth (gross returns on operations), profitability (net return on assets) and productivity (added value per employee). We note that the value of the ICI in all groups is somewhere between 28 and 38, which means that there is no particularly large deviation to be found. The most competitive AC are registered for the growing of crops, viticulture and poultry farming, while the least competitive AC are registered for growing of other perennial crops and gardening. We wanted to determine whether the descriptive and structural characteristics have an impact on the performance of the AC. We show that there are possible links between the value of the ICI and the AC'S cohesion region, the AC’ size and organizational structure. We also wanted to see whether the productivity in AC is growing faster than in the total agriculture. Unfortunately, with the selected methodology, we were unable to prove this.