
Merjenje segrevalne karakteristike radiatorja
ID GODLAR, ŽIGA (Avtor), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil izmeriti in izračunati segrevalno krivuljo električnega radiatorja z oljem. Prav tako smo naredili primerjavo z radiatorjem z vodo, ki se je do sedaj uporabljal za študijske namene pri laboratorijskih vajah. Pri primerjavi med radiatorjema smo želeli prikazati bistvene fizične razlike, kakor tudi segrevalno krivuljo, ki se pri obeh radiatorjih zelo razlikuje zaradi različnih materialov in polnila. Za izračun segrevalne krivulje smo morali zelo natančno izmeriti in izračunati horizontalne, vertikalne in sevalne površine radiatorja, ki predstavljajo najpomembnejši del, da se rezultati izračunane segrevalne krivulje ujemajo z izmerjenimi. Izmerjeno segrevalno krivuljo je meril poseben registrator na računalniku. Temperaturo radiatorja smo merili s pomočjo termočlena, katerega hladni konec je bil v posebni izolirani posodi, napolnjeni z zdrobljenim ledom, vroči konec pa je meril temperaturo na radiatorju. Temperaturo radiatorja smo merili na dveh točkah. Prva točka je bila na sredini radiatorja, druga pa na spodnjem delu. Ker je med merjenji prišlo do velikih razlik v temperaturi in nepričakovanega poteka izmerjene segrevalne krivulje, ki jo je izmeril registrator, smo morali težave sproti reševati. Bistveni problem je bil v delovanju grelca pri radiatorju z oljem, ki ni enakomerno grel olja v notranjosti radiatorja. Zaradi nekonstantnih meritev smo točko merjenja temperature na radiatorju prestavili v bližino grelca, ki se je nahajal v spodnjem delu radiatorja. Meritve, narejene z radiatorjem z oljem, smo razdelili na tri dele. V prvem delu so zajete tiste meritve, pri katerih smo merili temperaturo na spodnjem delu radiatorja, izmerjene segrevalne krivulje pa so približno konstantne. V drugem delu so meritve, pri katerih smo merili temperaturo na srednjem delu radiatorja, izmerjene segrevalne krivulje pa so nekonstantne. V tretjem delu so meritve, kjer smo merili temperaturo na spodnjem delu radiatorja. Ti rezultati so se izkazali najbolj točni. Naredili smo tudi primerjavo med radiatorjem z oljem in radiatorjem z vodo. Poleg različnih fizičnih dimenzij se je za najpomembnejšo razliko med njima izkazala snov, ki se nahaja v notranjosti radiatorja. Pri obdelavi podatkov in analizi grafov smo prišli do zaključka, da je na začetku najpomembnejši pravilen izračun in izmeritev vseh površin radiatorja, saj lahko le tako pri nadaljnjih korakih pravilno izračunamo segrevalno krivuljo. Zelo pomembno je tudi, da pravilno in smotrno izberemo točko merjenja temperature, sicer lahko dobimo zelo različne poteke segrevalnih krivulj, ki lahko v ključnih situacijah negativno vplivajo na okolje, človeka itn. Cilj diplomske naloge je pokazati, da lahko z zelo preprostimi metodami merjenja temperature in z zelo malo finančnega vložka dosežemo točne rezultate ob predpostavki, da naprava (v našem primeru radiator) pravilno deluje.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:meritve, merjenje temperature, radiator, segrevalna krivulja, termočlen, prenos toplote
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105518 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.12.2018
Število ogledov:1719
Število prenosov:369
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Measuring of the radiator heating characteristics
The purpose of the diploma thesis was to measure and calculate the heating curve of the electric oil-filled radiator. We also made a comparison with a water-filled radiator, which has until now been used for study purposes in laboratory exercises. When comparing radiators, we wanted to show the essential physical differences, as well as the heating curve, which is very different due to different materials and fillings. To calculate the heating curve, we had to measure very accurately and calculate the horizontal, vertical and radiant surfaces of the radiator, which represent the most important part, so that the results of the calculated heating curve match the measured ones. The measured heating curve was measured by a special programmer on the computer. The temperature of the radiator was measured using a thermocouple, which cold end was in a specially isolated container that was filled with crushed ice. The hot end of the thermocouple measured the temperature on the radiator. The temperature of the radiator was measured at two points. The first point was in the middle of the radiator and the second point at the bottom. Since there were large differences in temperature and unexpected heating curve measured by the programmer during the measurement, we had to deal with the problems promptly. The essential problem was the operation of the heater with an oil-filled radiator that did not even heat the oil inside the radiator. Due to the inconsistent measurements, the temperature measurement point on the radiator was moved near the heater, which was located in the lower part of the radiator. Measurements made with an oil-filled radiator were divided into three parts. The first part covers those measurements for which we measured the temperature at the bottom of the radiator, and the measured heating curves are approximately constant. In the second part, measurements were made for which we measured the temperature of the middle part of the radiator, and the measured heating curves are inconsistent. In the third part, there are those measurements where we measured the temperature at the bottom of the radiator. These results proved to be the most accurate. We also made a comparison between the oil-filled radiator and the water-filled radiator. In addition to the various physical dimensions between them, the most important difference was the substance located inside the radiator. With processing data and graph analysis, we concluded that at the beginning the most important part is the correct calculation and measurement of all surfaces of the radiator, since only in this way can the heating curve be properly calculated in the next steps. It is also very important that the point of temperature measurement is chosen correctly and reasonably, otherwise we can get very different flows of heating curves that can have a negative impact on the environment, on people, etc., in key situations. The goal of the diploma thesis was to show that with simple methods of temperature measurement and with very little financial input, we can achieve accurate results, if the device (in our case the radiator) is working properly.

Ključne besede:measurements, temperature measurements, radiator, heating curve, thermocouples, heat transfer

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