
Metode razdeljevanja kvantnega ključa
ID STARAŠINIČ, PETRA (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje premalo dajemo na varnost komunikacij in premalo vemo o njej. S skoraj vsemi vsakdanjimi opravili (na primer prijava na splet, telefonski klici) pustimo nekaj informacij, da so lahko dostopne komurkoli, ki ima interes izvedeti podatke o našem zasebnem življenju, kar me je vzpodbudilo o razmišljanju, kako se izogniti prisluškovalcem oziroma kako ugotoviti, da je bilo sporočilo prestreženo. Kvantno šifriranje omogoča varno komuniciranje, saj poteka prenos šifrirnega ključa s pomočjo nedeljivega delca – fotona, kar pomeni, da bo vsak vdor oziroma prisluškovanje opazno. V nalogi je opisano delovanje protokolov za kvantno izmenjavo ključa ter njihovi začetki, kateri segajo v zgodnje 20. stoletje. V osnovi jih je večina izpeljana iz prvega najbolj učinkovitega protokola BB84. Seveda so se pa ob hitrem napredku, pojavljale tudi pomanjkljivosti, katere so hekerji izkoristili. Ampak so številne slabosti odpravili in s tem dokazali, da je kvantna komunikacija trdna rešitev za zaščito telekomunikacij naslednje generacije, tako pri velikih gigantskih podjetjih, katere uporabljajo ogromne količine osebnih podatkov, kot tudi pri zasebnem klepetu s prijatelji.

Keywords:kvantno šifriranje, varnost, protokol, razdeljevanje kvantnega ključa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105429 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2018
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Title:Methods for quantum key distribution
People don’t care enough about secure communication and we do not know enough about it. With almost everyday tasks (for example, online logging, phone calls), we let some information be easily accessible to the anyone who has the interest to find information about our private life. This made me thinking about how to avoid eavesdroppers or how to find out, that the message was intercepted. Quantum encryption allows secure communication, as the transfer of the encryption key takes place with the help of an indivisible particle - a photon, which means that any intrusion or eavesdropping will be noticeable. In this thesis, we will learn about protocols for QKD, how they function and their beginnings, which date back to the early 20th century. Basically, most of them are derived from the first most effective BB84 protocol. However, the rapid progress also appeared deficiencies, which hackers use. But a few crucial “weaknesses” have been completely eliminated and proved quantum communication is a robust solution to protect next-generation telecommunications, for large giant companies using huge amounts of personal data as well as for private small talk with friends.

Keywords:quantum encryption, security, protocol, quantum key distribution

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