
Odraščanje ob sorojencu z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju
ID Skerlep, Tatjana (Avtor), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5455/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Rojstvo otroka s posebnimi potrebami vnese v družinsko dinamiko številne spremembe, katerih breme v velikem delu nosijo sorojenci. Otrok, ki potrebuje dodatno pozornost staršev, njihov čas in skrb, neizbežno vpliva na vse plati sorojenčevega življenja. Čeprav so mnogokrat prikrajšani za starševsko pozornost, pa sorojenci veliko pripomorejo k lajšanju vsakodnevnih družinskih procesov – prevzamejo namreč vlogo skrbnika svojega brata/sestre s posebnimi potrebami. Čeprav se, posebno v času odraščanja in identitetnega zorenja, sorojenci srečujejo s podobnimi vprašanji in pomisleki kot njihovi starši, pa pogosto nimajo nikogar, s komer bi delili svoje skrbi – že tako obremenjenih staršev namreč ne želijo še dodatno vznemirjati, zato svoja čustva in stiske zadržijo zase. V teoretičnem delu naloge je poudarjena pomembnost odnosa med sorojenci. Le-ti namreč predstavljajo model, po katerem se razvija mlajši sorojenec. Če karkoli ovira ta odnos, lahko to vpliva na nadaljnje težave v razvoju. Ker v družinah z otroki s posebnimi potrebami sorojenci običajno preživijo skupaj več časa kot v družinah z normativnimi sorojenci, je skrb za zdrav razvoj vseh otrok bistvenega pomena. S pozitivnim odnosom in dobrim zgledom lahko starši vplivajo na to, kako se bo sorojenec v družini počutil in posledično na njegov odnos do otroka z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Sodobne študije sicer opažajo vse več pozitivnih vplivov sobivanja z osebo s posebnimi potrebami, vendar ta pozitivni vpliv ni edini možni scenarij. Posebno pri otrocih, sorojencih, se lahko pojavijo izolacija, osamljenost, pretirana identifikacija, zamera, sram in občutek krivde. V empiričnem delu s kvalitativno raziskavo podamo vpogled v izkušnje v raziskavo vključenih sorojencev in mater otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter v načine njihovega soočanja z izzivi družinske dinamike. Navkljub dejstvu, da sorojenci odraščanje ob otroku s posebnimi potrebami v glavnem ocenjujejo kot pozitivno, tako sorojenci kot matere navajajo bolj sproščeno vzdušje ob krajših odsotnostih otrok s posebnimi potrebami, prav tako sorojenci prijateljem ne govorijo, da ima njihov brat/sestra posebne potrebe. Tudi matere priznavajo, da so čas, ki bi ga lahko namenile vsem družinskim članom, običajno namenjale otroku s posebnimi potrebami in s tem zapostavljale normativnega otroka, prihajalo je do očitnih razlik v vzgoji, do popuščanja na eni in prevelikih pričakovanj na drugi strani. Življenje z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami je namreč izziv za celotno družino, zato je pomembno, da strokovni delavci namenjajo pozornost tudi potrebam sorojencev, naj bo to v obliki pomoči specializiranih institucij ali podpornih skupin.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:motnja v duševnem razvoju
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105333 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12199241 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.12.2018
Število ogledov:1874
Število prenosov:243
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Growing up with a sibling with moderate intellectual disability
Birth of a child with special needs brings numerous changes into family dynamics. The burden of those changes largely lies on the shoulders of the siblings. A child who needs parents' special attention, their time and care, inevitably affects all the parts of a sibling's life. Even though they are often deprived of their parents' attention, the siblings can help relieve daily family processes since they take over the role of a caretaker of their brother or sister with special needs. Despite the fact that especially during growing up and identity maturation the siblings encounter similar questions and hesitations as their parents, they often do not have anyone to share those worries with, since they do not wish to additionally trouble their already overburdened parents, therefore keeping their emotions and worries to themselves. In the theoretical part of the thesis I emphasise the importance of relationship between the siblings, since they represent the model through which the younger sibling develops. If this relationship is in any way hindered, it can affect further developmental problems. Care for healthy development of all children is crucial since the siblings spend more time together in families with children with special needs than in families with normative siblings. With a positive attitude and a good example, the parents can influence how the sibling will feel inside the family and consequently how his or her relationship with the child with a mental disorder will be. Modern studies have noticed more and more positive influences of coexistence with a person with special needs but that is not the only possible scenario. Isolation, loneliness, overidentification, grudge, shame and sense of guilt can appear especially in child siblings. The empirical part uses qualitative research to give an insight into the experiences of mothers and siblings of children with special needs and their ways of coping with the challenges of family dynamics. Despite the fact that siblings mostly evaluate growing up with a child with special needs as positive, both the siblings and the mothers list a more relaxed atmosphere during a shorter absence of children with special needs. Similarly, the siblings do not tell their friends that their brother or sister has special needs. Even the mothers admit that they usually dedicated the time they could dedicate to all family members to the child with special needs, therefore neglecting the normative child. There were obvious differences in upbringing and indulgence on one side and too high expectations on the other side. Living with a child with special needs is a challenge for the entire family, that is why it is important that professionals also give attention to the needs of siblings, may it be in the shape of assistance and help by specialised institutions or support groups.

Ključne besede:mental disorder

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