
Adhezija bakterij na materialih, ki so v stiku s krnom : diplomsko delo
ID Lipovž, Urban (Avtor), ID Bohinc, Klemen (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Boltežar, Žane (Komentor), ID Zore, Anamarija (Komentor)

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Uvod: Ključen sestavni del proteze je ležišče. Ležišče je v neposrednem stiku s kožo krna, kar daje možnost za prenos bakterij iz kože na material. Najbolj razširjena vrsta bakterij stalne mikrobiote kože so stafilokoki, med katere spada bakterija Staphylococcus epidermidis. Na adhezijo bakterij na površino vplivajo različni dejavniki, kot so hrapavost, zeta potencial površine in hidrofobnost površine materiala. Namen: Ugotoviti kako hrapavost površine, zeta potencial površine, hidrofobnost površine materiala in specifične interakcije vplivajo na stopnjo adhezije bakterije Staphylococcus epidermidis na materiale, ki so v stiku s krnom in jih med seboj primerjati. Metode dela: Za raziskavo smo uporabili štiri različne materiale, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo ležišč in vložkov za krn: akrilno smolo, mešanico etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote, silikon in termoplastični elastomer. Tem materialom smo izmerili hrapavost površine, mejni kot za določitev hidrofobnosti in zeta potencial površine. Za raziskavo smo uporabili standardni sev bakterije Staphylococcus epidermidis in ji določili rastno krivuljo. Za določitev stopnje adhezije bakterij na materiale smo kulturo bakterije Staphylococcus epidermidis inkubirali s sterilnimi preučevanimi materiali. Površine smo nato fiksirali in posušili. Z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo naredili posnetke površin in prešteli bakterije na posnetkih in izračunali delež pokritosti opazovane površine z bakterijami. Rezultati: Največjo hidrofobnost smo zmerili na silikonu, nekaj manjšo na akrilni smoli, še manjšo na termoplastičnem elastomeru in najmanjšo na materialu mešanice etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote. Hrapavost je bila največja na termoplastičnem elastomeru, nekaj manjša na mešanici etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote, še manjša na silikonu in najmanjša na akrilni smoli. Najbolj negativni zeta potencial smo izmerili na silikonu, najmanj negativni pa na mešanici etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote. Površina termoplastičnega elastomera ni bila izmerjena. Stopnja adhezije je bila največja na termoplastičnen elastomeru, nekaj manjša na silikonu, vidno manjša na mešanici etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote in najmanjša na akrilni smoli Razprava in sklep: Dejavnik, ki najbolj vplival na stopnjo adhezije je hrapavost površine na termoplastičnem elastomeru in akrilni smoli. Sklepamo, da je velika stopnja adhezije na silikonu posledica visoke hidrofobnosti materiala in relativno majhna stopnja adhezije na mešanici etilen-vinil acetata in polietilena nizke gostote posledica vsebnosti srebrovih ionov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:adhezija bakterij, Staphylococcus epidermidis, materiali v stiku s krnom, hrapavost površine, hidrofobnost, zeta potencial
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105226 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5534827 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.11.2018
Število ogledov:2450
Število prenosov:584
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Bacterial adhesion to materials in contact with stump : diploma work
Introduction: The key component of the prosthesis is the socket. The socket is in direct contact with the skin of the stump, which gives an option for bacteria to transfer from skin to material surface. The most common type of bacteria in permanent microbiota of the skin are staphylococci, among which is the bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis. The adhesion of bacteria to the surface is influenced by various factors, such as roughness, surface charge and hydrophobicity of the material surface. Purpose: To determine how roughness, surface charge and hydrophobicity of the material surface influence the degree of adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermidis to materials that are in contact with the stump and compare them with each other. Methods: Four different materials used for the production of sockets and liners were used for the research: acrylic resin, mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene, silicone and thermoplastic elastomer. We measured surface roughness of the material surface, contact angle for determining the hydrophobicity of the surface and zeta potential to determine surface charge. For the research we used the standard bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis and determined growth curve of the bacteria. To determine the adhesion of the bacteria to the materials, the sterile materials were immersed in the culture medium of the Staphylococcus epidermidis bacterium and were incubated for 10 hours. The surfaces were then fixed and dried. Through scanning electron microscope we produced surface images, counted bacteria on the image and calculated proportion of bacteria coverage on the surface. Results: The highest hydrophobicity was measured on silicone, followed by acrylic resin, thermoplastic elastomer and mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene. The roughness was the highest on thermoplastic elastomer followed by mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene, silicone and least on acrylic resin. The smallest zeta potential was measured on mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene, folowed by acrylic resin, and silicone. Thermoplastic elastomer was not measured. Adhesion was the highest in thermoplastic elastomer and silicone respectively, and visibly less on mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene and least on acrylic resin. Discussion and conclusion: The results showed that roughness of the surface had the greatest effect on adhesion on thermoplastic elastomer and acrylic resin. High adhesion on silicone can be attributed to the high hydrophobicity of the material. Relatively small adhesion on mixture of ethylene-vinyl acetate and low-density polyethylene could be the result of the content of silver ions.

Ključne besede:bacterial adhesion, Staphylococcus epidermidis, materials in contact with stump, surface roughness, hydrophobicity, zeta potential

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