
Določanje trenažne obremenitve s pomočjo prenosnega monitorja za avtomatsko prepoznavanje udarcev pri tenisu glede na različno število vadečih : magistrsko delo
ID Sok, Matej (Avtor), ID Filipčič, Aleš (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Z uporabo prenosne naprave za avtomatsko beleženje teniških udarcev smo želi raziskati, kakšne so razlike v primeru, ko imamo na treningu prisotnega samo enega igralca, dva ali tri igralce. V vzorec so bili vključeni trije mladi teniški igralci stari 15 let in šestletnim trenažnim stažem. Meritev so opravljali enkrat individualno, dvakrat v paru in trikrat v skupini treh. Naprava za avtomatsko merjenje števila udarcev je merila število udarcev, silo in hitrost zapestja ob udarcu. Vsak trening je trajal 60 minut, igralci so izmenično igrali forehand in backhand v intervalu 30 sekund, nato 30 sekund odmora – 10 krat, nato je sledilo 90 sekund premora. Pri tem so igralci morali zadevati označen prostor. S t-testom je bilo potrjeno, da se število odigranih udarcev pri individualnemu treningu in treningu v paru statistično značilno ne razlikuje. Se pa oba omenjena treninga statistično značilno razlikujeta od treninga, kjer so bili prisotni trije igralci. S stališča obremenitve igralcev, sta si individualni trening in trening v paru enaka, pri treningu, kjer so prisotni trije igralci, pa je trenažna obremenitev le teh nižja. Hitrost zapestja je bila najnižja pri treningu v paru, najvišja pa pri treningu s tremi igralci. Sile, merjene med udarci, so bile prav tako najvišje pri treningu s tremi igralci. S Welchovim in Brown-Forsythe testom smo preverili ali so razlike med posameznimi skupinami. Najbolj natančni pri zadevanju označenega polja so bili igralci pri individualnemu treningu. S Pearson Chi-Square testom smo dokazali, da obstaja povezava med vrsto treninga in število zadetih udarcev v tarčo. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov v raziskavi lahko potrdimo, da so igralci pri individualnemu treningu najbolj trenažno obremenjeni.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:tenis, trening, obremenitev, hitrost, sila
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105162 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5447345 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.11.2018
Število ogledov:1109
Število prenosov:232
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Determining of the training charge by portable monitor for automatical recognition of tennis hits with regard on number of present players
With the use of technology device that measuring parameters of the tennis play itself we wanted to research the differences of the number of players present at the training, only one, two or three. In the sample there were three boys attending the training for the need of research. All the three were 15 years old and have been training tennis for the last six years in the same club. For the use of research each of them was measured once individually, twice in pair and three times in the group of three. The device automatically measured the number of hits, force and speed of wrist at hits. Each training took precisely 60 minutes, players used forehand and backhand in exchange in interval of 30 seconds than 30 seconds of rest, all for 10 minutes, then 90 seconds of rest. By the t-test it was testified the number of hits at individual training and training in pair don't differ statistically significant. But those two trainings differ statistically significant from the training where three players were present. Based on the number of hits which is connected to run distance at training we can assert base on charge of players, individual training and training in pairs are equal but at training of three players the charge of players in lower. The speed at wrist was the lowest at the training in pair and the highest at the training of three players. That was checked by analyses of variance and by Welch and Brown-Forsythe variety which don't react on homogeinity of variance. Differences between groups were searched by Post Hoc test Tamhane. The players at the individual training were the most precise at hitting into the marked field. By the Pearson Chi-Square test was shown there is connection between kind of training and number of hits into the target. Based on all the results of the research we can assert players at individual training are the most charged and at the same time the most precise at hitting the balls into the marked field. We can assert individual trainings mean the best conditions for individual players and at the same time giving the best results for prosperity of the game.

Ključne besede:tennis, training, charge, speed, force

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