
Neprimerna skrb za ženske med porodom: nespoštljivost, zlorabe in kršenje avtonomije : diplomsko delo
ID Potisek, Martina (Avtor), ID Stanek Zidarič, Tita (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Uvod: Porod je postal izjemno medikaliziran in nadzorovan proces, izkušnja in doživljanje ženske pa trivializirana. Narašča število raziskav o negativnih izkušnjah žensk, ki so bile med porodom deležne nespoštljivosti, zlorab in kršenja avtonomije. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti in predstaviti različne oblike neprimerne skrbi za ženske med porodom in njihove posledice ter osvetliti povezave neprimerne skrbi z družbeno podrejenostjo žensk in medikalizacijo nosečnosti in poroda. Metode dela: Pri pripravi diplomskega dela smo uporabili sistematični pregled literature, najdene s pomočjo baz podatkov, kot so CINAHL, Medline, Academic search complete in SocINDEX, dostopnih preko podatkovne zbirke EBSCOhost, vzajemne kataložne bibliografske baze podatkov COBIB.SI ter digitalne knjižnice Slovenije dlib.si. Iskanje je potekalo v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku, s ključnimi besedami childbirth, mistreatment, obstetric violence, disrespect and abuse, traumatic childbirth, autonomy ter porod, porodniško nasilje, travmatičen porod, nespoštljivost, zloraba, avtonomija. Rezultati: V kvalitativno sintezo je bilo vključenih 12 člankov. Identificiranih je bilo pet kategorij: definiranje in tipologija neprimerne skrbi, prakse neprimerne skrbi, posledice neprimerne skrbi, neprimerna skrb v kontekstu človekovih pravic ter posredni vzroki in dejavniki neprimerne skrbi. Kategorije so bile podrobneje razdelane in predstavljajo različne definicije neprimerne skrbi in različne dokumentirane prakse neprimerne skrbi: od fizične, spolne in verbalne zlorabe do stigmatiziranja in diskriminacije, neupoštevanja in kršenja strokovnih standardov, neustreznih odnosov med osebjem in žensko ter pogoji in omejitvami zdravstvenega sistema ter njihove posledice. Razprava in zaključek: Neprimerno skrb je težko jasno definirati, saj se neprimerne oblike le-te med seboj prekrivajo in prepletajo. Terminologija izpostavlja povezave med neprimerno oskrbo, neenakostjo in neenakopravnostjo žensk, spolnim nasiljem, medikalizacijo poroda in grožnjam pravic žensk. Predvsem medikalizacija nosečnosti in poroda je ključen koncept, potreben za širše razumevanje neprimerne obporodne oskrbe. Pri neprimerni obporodni oskrbi žensk gre za obliko kontrole in nasilja nad ženskami, kot tudi za obliko institucionalnega nasilja. Pri razmerjih moči med zdravstvenim osebjem in ženskami, lahko najdemo izrazite vzporednice z družbeno dominantnim položajem moških in podrejenim položajem žensk. Je kompleksen, sistemski pojav, ki zahteva multidisciplinarni pristop zdravstva, politike, prava, izobraževanja in civilnih združenj, nujno pa je nasloviti širše, strukturne vzroke.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:medikalizacija poroda, informiran pristanek, porodniško nasilje, travmatičen porod, podrejenost žensk
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105122 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5521515 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.10.2018
Število ogledov:1802
Število prenosov:553
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Mistreatment of women during childbirth: disrespect, abuse and autonomy loss : diploma work
Introduction: While childbirth has been turned into a highly medicalized and controlled process, the women's experiences and perceptions of it have been trivialized. There is a growing body of research reporting of women's experiences of disrespect, abuse and autonomy loss during childbirth. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and present various forms of mistreatment of women during childbirth and their consequences. The aim is to highlight the linkage between the mistreatment of women during childbirth and social inequality of women and the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: A systematic review of scientific and professional literature was used. The search of literature was conducted using the AcademicSearchComplete, Cinahl, SocINDEX and Medline databases, the cooperative bibliographic system COBIB.SI and the digital library dlib.si. Keywords such as childbirth, mistreatment, obstetric violence, disrespect and abuse, traumatic childbirth, autonomy, porod, porodniško nasilje, travmatičen porod, nespoštljivost, zloraba, avtonomija were used. Results: Twelve articles were included in the qualitative synthesis and five core categories were identified: defining and typologies of mistreatment of women during childbirth, practices of mistreatment, consequences of mistreatment of women during childbirth, mistreatment of women during childbirth in the context of human rights and drivers of mistreatment of women during childbirth. The core categories were further construed. They elaborate on different definitions of mistreatment and various forms of it, such as physical, sexual and verbal abuse, stigma and discrimination, failure to meet professional standards of care, poor rapport between women and provider and health system conditions and restraints. Discussion and conclusion: The concept of mistreatment of women during childbirth is difficult to define clearly, as the various forms of manifestations of it are entwined and coinciding. The terminology used reveals the correlations between mistreatment of women during childbirth, inequality of women, gender-based violence, medicalization of childbirth and the threat to women’s rights. Medicalization of childbirth is the key concept, necessary for a broader understanding of the phenomenon of obstetric violence. It is a form of control of women and violence against women and a form of institutional violence. The power relations between health professionals and labouring women strongly parallel the societal position of dominance of men and subordination of women, therefore it is a complex, systemic phenomenon. As such, it demands a multidisciplinary approach on different levels: healthcare, politics, legislation, education and civil society movements. It is vital that the broader, structural causes of mistreatment of women during childbirth are addressed.

Ključne besede:medicalization of childbirth, informed consent, obstetric violence, traumatic birth, women subordination

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