
Vpliv razvoja kmetijske mehanizacije v vinogradništvu na učinkovitost dela v vinogradu
ID Bezeljak, Jure (Avtor), ID Bernik, Rajko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Kmetijska mehanizacija, tako traktorji kot kmetijski stroji, so se s časom spremenili glede na samo učinkovitost dela. Uporaba kmetijskih strojev pa je privedla do povečanja mase strojev, večje storilnosti ob sočasni mobilnosti in okretnosti kmetijskega stroja. Posledica tega je, da kmet strmi k čim večjemu pridelku in se pri delu čim manj poslužuje ročnih opravil, kar mu omogoča konkurenčnost na globalnem trgu. Ni pa zanesljivo nujno, da imajo tehnološki ukrepi pri pridelavi grozdja zgolj pozitivne lastnosti in posledice. Na kmetiji starega očeta smo zato opravili preizkus in tako ločili vinograd velikosti 0,5 ha na dve enaki polovici. Polovico smo obdelovali z mehanizacijo povprečne starosti 50 let, drugo polovico pa z mehanizacijo povprečne starosti 15 let. Pri meritvah smo sledili tehničnim parametrom, kot so poraba časa, goriva ter površinska storilnost, ki smo jih merili pri naslednjih opravilih: osnovni načini varstva vinske trte ter obdelave v vinogradu, mehanično zatiranje medvrstne ozelenitve, škropljenje, podrahljavanje zemljišča in raztros mineralnih gnojil. Pri težjih opravilih kot so zastiranje in podrahljavanje, se je novejša mehanizacija glede na površinsko storilnost izkazala za učinkovitejšo, saj smo za enako površino, obdelano s starejšo mehanizacijo, potrebovali 8 minut več kot z novejšo. Pri lažjih opravilih, kot v našem primeru gnojenje in pršenje, je bila razlika pri površinski storilnosti zanemarljiva, a je bila pri novejši mehanizaciji poraba goriva nekoliko večja (1,2 l/ha) zaradi nepotrebne moči traktorja in je v tem primeru imela starejša mehanizacija nekoliko boljše rezultate. Čas, ki smo ga porabili za obračanje na obračališču, je bil z novejšo mehanizacijo daljši (18 s) zaradi slabše okretnosti traktorja, pri starejši mehanizaciji pa nekoliko krajši, saj je bil prehod v novo vrsto enostavnejši.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vinogradništvo, trta, mehanična obdelava, kmetijska mehanizacija, razvoj
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[J. Bezeljak]
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105058 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:9077113 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.10.2018
Število ogledov:1956
Število prenosov:368
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Impact of the development of the viticultural machinery on the work effectiveness in the vineyard
Agricultural machinery, including tractors and other agricultural machinery, have developed over time to reach better efficiency. That has also led to higher mass of the machines, increased productivity with the simultaneous mobility and agility of the agricultural machine. As a result, the farmer strives for the highest possible yield and manipulates manual work as little as possible, which allows him to compete in the global market. However, the use of technology in the cultivation of grapes does not necessarily have only positive effects, but also some negative environmental impact on the surface of the cultivated area. In the economic sense the profit can be lower due to higher consumption of the fuel and time. At grandfather’s farm we made an experiment and separate the vineyard of 0.5 ha in two identical halves. Half of the vineyard was processed by machinery of an average age of 50 years, while the other half by machinery of an average age of 15 years. While carrying out farm chores as basic methods for the protection of vines and processing in the vineyard (mechanical control of intercropping, spraying, subsoilage and spread of mineral fertilizers) following measurements were examined: time and fuel consumption and surface productivity. In the case of more difficult tasks such as screening and post-harvesting, the use of newer machines has proved to be more efficient in terms of surface productivity, since we needed more time (8 min) for the same surface with older machinery. But the higher surface productivity is also affected by the power of the tractor, and consequently requires higher fuel consumption per hour (1,2 l/ha). For easier operations such as fertilization and spraying, the difference in surface performance was negligible, but for newer machinery, fuel consumption was slightly higher due to the unnecessary power of the tractor, and in this case the older mechanization had better results. The time tractor used for turning at the turning point was longer with the newer mechanization (18 s) due to the tractor's sluggishness, while with the older mechanization it was shorter, since the transition to the new row was simpler.

Ključne besede:viticulture, vine, mechanical treatment, agricultural machinery, development

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