In this thesis we present the development of a robot cell system for the handling of products from a storage container to a mounting location on a conveyor belt where they undergo assembly. For the handling of different products we need different robotic grippers with different gripper fingers, so this thesis focuses on robot tool changers and the design of custom gripping fingers for a robotic gripper. In the first part of the thesis the theoretical basics of industrial robots, robotic grippers and robot tool changers are presented. Following is the analysis of the current state of the system, which acts as a basis for defining the elements missing from the handling process. We defined the concept for the robot cell, where we focused on the design of multiple concepts of gripper fingers. For the chosen gripper finger concept, we performed an FEM analysis. The gripper fingers were manufactured with 3D printing technology and mounter on a changeable robotic gripper. An experiment was performed to test the grip and product handling and a robotic tool changing test. We wrote a robot code program fort he given handling operations. The results are custom gripper fingers and a program, which serve as the basis for handling products from the storage container to the mounting location on a conveyor belt and a basis for automatic tool changing.