Introduction: Excessive air pollution is one of the major environmental problems in Europe and Slovenia. Among the useful tools for reporting the state of the environment are environmental indicators. Environmental indicators are based on five-part audit frameworks, i.e. DPSIR framework including Driving forces (D), Pressures (P), State (S), Impacts (I), and Response (R). The latest environmental assessment model is the DPSEEA framework, which includes Driving Force (D), Pressure (P), State (S), Exposure (E), Effects (E) and Action (A) and combines the social, economic and environmental aspects of health and well-being. Purpose: Prepare a comprehensive model for assessing the quality of ambient air using environmental indicators. Methods: In preparing a comprehensive model for the assessment of ambient air quality, we reviewed models for the preparation of a comprehensive assessment based on the use of indicators and assessment estimates using DPSIR. We reviewed the valid legal regulations of the European Union and Slovenia for the period from 2008 to 2016. According to the traffic light principle - red color (useless data), yellow color (some information is provided), green color (useful data) - we assessed the state of collection and the availability of environmental and health data. Results: The DPSSEA framework is best suited to assess the condition of air quality. The air quality assessment model refers to households. The review and analysis of the legislation has shown that European and Slovenian legislation is harmonized. The assessment of the state of collection of environmental and health data showed that data are comparable in time from 2002 to 2015. The disadvantage of collecting these data is the diversification of data by databases. In assessing the availability of routinely collected environmental and health data, we found that the data are not of high quality in order to use them for a comprehensive analysis, since they are collected at different levels and are not intended to integrate health and environmental data. Discussion and conclusion: A comprehensive approach to the preparation of environmental indicators in the case of ambient air quality in the DPSEEA model would require more accurate data (spatial and temporal resolution) on air pollution levels at the local level, a wider array of health data resulting from contaminated air, more accurate data on traffic loads and the number of households regarding the use of wood biomass and the age of the combustion plant.