
Vzpostavitev identitete skozi jezik na primeru Pessoinih heteronimov : strukturalistični in psihoanalitični vidiki
ID Rajaković, Valentina (Avtor), ID Bahovec, Eva D. (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu sem najprej obravnavala problem subjekta, ki vznikne v jeziku, in kontingenco identitete kot posledico razcepljenega subjekta. Pri tem sta me najbolj zanimala strukturalistični in psihoanalitični vidik subjektivnosti. Skozi strukturalistični vidik sem razmišljala o subjektu kot mestu v strukturi, ki se nenehno premešča in že s tem onemogoča trden temelj možnosti koherentne identitete. Ta struktura je struktura jezika, v kateri se v začasnih in naključnih točkah, ki so posledica samega jezikovnega dejanja, kaže subjektivnost tistega, ki govori. Neuspeh identitete se razkriva tudi v nezavednem, pri čemer ne moremo mimo psihoanalize. Z vstopom v simbolno in v red jezika pride hkrati do vznika subjekta in manka, ki bo onemogočal uspeh kakršne koli zagotovljene identifikacije. Subjekt je zaradi simbolnega že od vstopa vanj "jaz" le za nekoga drugega in kot tak ni zmožen koherentne identifikacije. Ugotovitve iz prvega dela naloge sem nato aplicirala na fenomen heteronimije pri portugalskem pesniku Fernandu Pessoi. Kot pesnik moderne je z vzpostavitvijo heteronimov v poeziji nedvomno pokazal inovativnost v pesniškem izražanju razklanega subjekta. To zavedanje o nemožnosti identitete je upesnil preko drugega oziroma v imenu drugega. Vsak od heteronimov piše svojo poezijo kot "jaz" in s celovitim nazorom, ki ga v njej izraža, s čimer odlično dosega avtonomnost lastnega "jaza" in avtorstva. Pessoa s konceptom heteronimije kot načina pisanja izraža razumevanje identitete kot najvišje stopnje razločenosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:literatura in psihoanaliza, filozofija jezika, strukturalizem, subjekt, identiteta, portugalska književnost, modernizem, heteronimija, diplomsko delo
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[V. Rajaković]
Leto izida:2018
Št. strani:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104619 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
UDK:821.134.3.09Pessoa F.
COBISS.SI-ID:67715170 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.10.2018
Število ogledov:1319
Število prenosov:275
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
In my thesis I first discussed the problem of the subject which arises in language and the contingency of identity as the consequence of a split subject. What interested me the most were the structuralist and psychoanalyst aspects of the split subject. The structuralist aspect allowed me to think about the subject as a place in a structure, which keeps constantly reinstalling itself and by doing that, disables the possibility of constistuting the bedrock for a coherent identity. This structure is the structure of language where the subjectivity of the one who talks is observed in temporary and random points which are a direct consequence of a speech act. The failure of identity is shown in the unconscious as well and here one cannot simply overlook the psychoanalytic point of view. When entering the symbolic and the order of language, the subject arises, but so does the lack which disables the success of any kind of promised identification. The subject is an "I" only for someone else, for an other, ever since entering the symbolic and precisely because of this entry, and is as such not capable of coherent identification. The findings of the first part of the thesis were then applied to the phenomenon of heteronomy in the work of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. As a modernist poet, he used the establishment of heteronyms and proved himself to be innovative in the poetic expression of the split subject. The realization of the incapacity of identity was poetised through the other or at least, in the name of the other. Each of the heteronomies writes their poetry as an "I," with a wholesome worldview expressed in it, and by that achieves the autonomy of its own "I" and its authorship. Pessoa uses the concept of heteronomy as a way of writing and by that expresses the understanding of identity as the highest level of differentiation.

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