A healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, physical activity, high-quality sleep, and reduced level of stress, are the topical issues among all age groups of the population.
Therefore, on social networks, internet and in the media, we can find a large amount of information about diet, physical activity, etc., but many information that we find are misleading or even incorrect. So it is importat, especially for young people, to be aware which information resource to trust and where to find accurate, reliable and professional information. In the diploma thesis, with the help of a questionnaire, we try to establish how important is nutritional knowledge for students, which nonformal sources of information are the most commonly used among them, and how critically students evaluate the obtained information. We looked at the differences in obtaining nutrition information among the students who have nutritional contents included in their educational programs at the faculty and the students who do not have these contents included in their educational program.
In the study participated 100 students, 58 students who discuss nutritional contents at the faculty and 42 students whose study program does not include the mentioned contents. The sample included 15.0% of men and 85.0% of women.
We have found out that the most commonly used nonformal source of information about nutrition among students is the internet. Less often, students attend cooking courses and workshops on the nutrition topics. The reason for low participation is their high price and lack of time. Among students involved in the study who attenting various study programs, there were differences in the assessment of criticality on nutritional myths and other information on the nutrition topic. Students who have nutritional contents included in their educational programs are more critical to obtained information. Criticality is important because of the large amount of easily accessible information that can be obtained today in various nonformal ways. It is important for young people, to obtain adequate information about healthy nutrition and at the same time develop a critical attitude towards information. This would allow them to develop appropriate nutritional literacy which would improve healthy eating habits.