There are many different reasons why people compete. Some take a pleasure in chalenging themselves, others to beat everyone else, some do it for the fun. Those differences reflect variations in personalities, their motivation and competitivness. Area where competitiveness stands out is most definetely sports, some individuals also show it in other areas such as education. Purpose of this research is to find out what are the differences in competitiveness of athletes in sports and education, to discover whether are they more prone to winning or to reach goals, what are the motives of polled athletes that get them to strive for better results in both areas.
There were 64 athletes, aged between 15 and 19 years, achieving 1-3 places on national competitions, participating in an empirical research. We discovered that the polled athletes are statistically more competitive, win and goal-oriented at sports and in education. There were no major differences between sexes. The biggest motives for male and female athletes, questioned in the poll, in sports and education represent good grades and best results possible with best effort given. We found out that the athletes are striving to achieve goal rather than winning.