
Prilagoditve pouka tehnike in tehnologije učencem z učnimi težavami
ID Zalar, Jona (Avtor), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5308/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V magistrskem delu smo raziskali način dela z učenci z učnimi težavami pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem učnih težav in predstavili delitev učnih težav na splošne in specifične. Zapisali smo tudi ukrepe pomoči, ki jih lahko nudimo takim učencem. Zanimale so nas predvsem prilagoditve metod in oblik dela pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije, zlasti pri praktičnem delu. Pri tem smo izhajali iz ugotovitev dobrih praks iz tujine. Namen našega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšne vrtse prilagoditev so omogočene učencem z učnimi težavami v Sloveniji pri pouku vsebin tehnike in tehnologije in kako učitelji ocenjujejo svojo uspešnost dela s takimi učenci. Med učenci z učnimi težavami smo izvedli vprašalnik »Kako sem učinkovit«, s katerim smo pridobili informacije o tem, kako učenci ocenjujejo svoje sposobnosti. Informacije o načinu prilagoditev in o oceni usposobljenosti učiteljev tehnike in tehnologije pri delu z učenci z učnimi težavami smo pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika za učitelje. Neposredno izkušnjo aktivnosti učencev z učnimi težavami smo spremljali in vrednotili na tekmovanju Mladi tehniki, kjer se učenci preizkusijo v praktičnem delu na različnih področjih konstrukterstva. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji pouk največkrat prilagodijo z dodatno razlago. Le-to velikokrat obogatijo s slikovnim gradivom ali videoposnetki, saj tako učenci zahtevnejše snovi lažje razumejo in si jih zapomnijo. Praktično delo vedno poteka s pomočjo demonstracij in ob modelu. Z vprašalnikom za učence smo ugotovili, da je za uspešeno delo zelo pomembna samoučinkovitost učencev. H krepitvi samoučinkovitosti učitelji pomagajo z vzpodbudnimi besedami. Pri opazovanju praktičnega dela učencev smo opazili, da nimajo večjih težav pri delu. Nekaj težav smo opazili pri fini motoriki in pri osredotočenosti na delo. Ugotovitve magistrskega dela bodo učiteljem tehnike in tehnologije v pomoč pri oblikovanju prilagoditev pouka učencem z učnimi težavami z namenom doseganja izobraževalnih ciljev.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:tehnika in tehnologija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104193 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12122441 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.10.2018
Število ogledov:1377
Število prenosov:186
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Adaptation of techniques and technology teaching to pupils with learning difficulties
In this master thesis we researched the working methods used in the Design and Technology classes for students with learning difficulties. In the theoretical part, we provided the definition for the term »learning difficulties s« as well as presented the division into general and specific learning difficulties. Different aid measures that can be provided for such students are also included. We were mostly interested in the adaptation of the working methods for the Design and Technology classes, especially for their practical part. Good practices from abroad served as a starting point for our research. The purpose of our work was to find out what types of adaptations are available for students with learning difficulties in Slovenia when attending the Design and Technology classes, as well as how successful the teachers think themselves to be in their dealings with such students. A questionnaire titled »How efficient am I« was distributed among the students with learning difficulties, which provided us with the information about the students' evaluation of their own skills. Information regarding different types of adaptations and the assessment of the competence of the Design and Technology teachers for working with students with learning difficulties was obtained with the help of a questionnaire for the teachers. We observed and evaluated the direct experience of the activity of the students with learning difficulties at the Mladi Tehniki competition, where students participated in the practical work in the area of design. We found out that the teachers mostly adapt the classes with an additional explanation. This explanation is often further supported by pictures or videos, which allow for an easier memorization of the more difficult content. The practical work is always conducted with the help of demonstrations and with a model. With the help of the questionnaire for the students, we found out that the students' self-efficiency is very important for success. Teachers can help boost self-efficiency by encouraging the students with positive words. While observing the practical work of the students, we realized they don't have any major difficulties. We observed some problems when it came to the fine motor skills and staying concentrated on the work. The findings of this master thesis will help the teachers of Design and Technology when adapting their lessons for the students who have learning difficulties, with the hope of reaching the educational objectives.

Ključne besede:Design and Technology

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