Alamut is the novel written by Vladimir Bartol. It was published in 1938 and it took the author over ten years to finish it. The novel kept literary critics busy and many labeled it as "linguistically and stylistically poor", but they did see some content and philosophy related elements that were worthy of consideration and gave the novel the artistic value. The novel can be seen as a historical, philosophical, encyclopedic, psychological novel or as a novelmetaphor, and some also label it as a trivial novel. Science was primarily concerned with the historical contextualization of the novel, especially with national interpretation and nihilism. The novel recognizes the influence of Nietzsche, Freud, Pre-Socratics, Einstein, Plato, Dostoevsky, the influence of Persian literature, etc. Literary critics were also concerned about the character of Klement Jug, the question of fiction in the novel (in particular the element of paradise), the question of Machiavellianism and its ethics, terrorism ... The educational aspect addresses the novel from the historical and philosophical point of view, especially Nietzsche and the ethics of Machiavellianism. Terrorism is mentioned and also the novel as being seen as an allegory of an age of terrible dictators. Teacher's manuals for oral matura literature exam interpret the book with the help of textbooks, while manuals for matura essay exam also refer to the scientific theories.