
Zgodovina cepljenja v Sloveniji in sestavine cepiv : diplomsko delo
ID Gorjup, Sonja (Avtor), ID Zakšek, Teja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Uvod: Cepljenje naj bi bilo eden največjih medicinskih uspehov. V družbi velja splošno prepričanje, da so cepiva varna in učinkovita, kljub temu da so sestavine cepiv večini nepoznane in tuje. Cepilni urnik se je v Sloveniji spreminjal skladno z nalezljivostjo bolezni, proti katerim cepimo, in stopnjo precepljenosti, zadnjih nekaj let pa ostaja isti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je skozi pregled literature razložiti in ugotoviti, kako se je cepilni program skozi leta razvijal in dopolnjeval, ter ugotoviti, iz katerih sestavin so cepiva sestavljena. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti tudi, ali obstajajo morebitne škodljivosti sestavin cepiv in ali so se sestavine cepiv z leti spremenile. Metode dela: Raziskovanje je temeljilo na deskriptivni ali opisni metodi dela; kombiniran je bil pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature. Literatura je bila omejena na angleški in slovenski jezik, iskana je bila s pomočjo različnih spletnih iskalnikov: Cobiss, Cinahl, Dikul, Pubmed, ScienceDirect in Google Books. Rezultati: Na podlagi pregledane literature je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je cepilni urnik v Sloveniji skozi leta spreminjal in dopolnjeval na podlagi nalezljivosti bolezni in stopnje precepljenosti. Večina sestavin, ki jih najdemo v cepivih, je za človeka škodljivih ali celo toksičnih, problematiko pa predstavlja tudi kontaminacija cepiv z virusi in bakterijami, ki jih med sestavinami cepiv ne bi smelo biti.Kljub temu se sestavine cepiv skozi leta niso preveč spremenile in z izjemo odstranitve toksičnega tiomersala iz večine cepiv ostajajo enake. Razprava in zaključek:Zgodovina cepljenja v Sloveniji je skladna z nalezljivostjo bolezni in stopnjo precepljenosti, na podlagi katerih cepilni urnik ostaja enak že 13 let.Sestavine cepiv bi morale biti bolj raziskane, njihova toksičnost pa bi morala biti splošno znana. Količine aluminija, ki jih najdemo v današnjih cepivih, so alarmantne, zato bo potreba po kakovostnejših cepivih skozi leta vedno večja, saj so se pritiski družbe, ki se je informirala o sestavi cepiv, že začeli. Če si želimo zdrave družbe, je informiranje ključnega pomena, saj se bo kakovost cepiv izboljšala le s pritiski javnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:cepljenje, adjuvansi, obvezno cepljenje, sestavine cepiv, zgodovina
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104017 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5503083 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:30.09.2018
Število ogledov:5435
Število prenosov:1704
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:History of vaccination in Slovenia and constituents of vaccines : diploma work
Introduction: Vaccination is thought to be one of the most important medical advances. The public generally believes that vaccines are safe and effective, although the ingredients of vaccines are unknown and foreign to most people. The vaccination schedule has changed in line with the contagiousness of the diseases we are trying to prevent with vaccination and the level of vaccination coverage, which has remained the same in the last years. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to explain and determine how the vaccination programme developed and improved throughout the years, but also to determine the ingredients in vaccines based on the literature overview. The purpose is also to establish whether some ingredients are potentially harmful and wheather the components of vaccines have changed over the years. Methods: The research was based on a descriptive research method combining a scientific and research literature overview. In addition, the literature was limited to English and Slovenian languages and searched using different search engines, such as COBISS, CINAHL, DiKUL, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Books. Results: Based on the reviewed literature, it was found that the vaccination schedule in Slovenia changed and improved throughout the years on the basis of the contagiousness of the diseases and the level of vaccination coverage. Most of the ingredients found in vaccines are harmful or even toxic to humans, and the second problem is contamination of vaccines with viruses and bacteria that should not be among the components of vaccines. Most of the ingredients found in vaccines are harmful or even toxic to humans. The problem is also contamination of vaccines with viruses and bacteria that should not be among the components of vaccines. However, the ingredients in vaccines have not changed significantly throughout the years and remain the same with the exception of the toxic Thiomersal, which was removed. Discussion and conclusion:The history of vaccinationin Slovenia is consistent with the basis of the contagiousness of the diseases and the level of vaccination coverage on the basis of which the vaccination schedule is remaining the same for 13 years.The ingredients of vaccines should be more thoroughly examined and their toxicity should be generally known. The amounts of aluminum found in today's vaccines are alarming, so there will be a increased need for high quality vaccines as the years go by because the society, which has gained knowledge regarding the vaccine composition, has already started to put pressure over the issue. If we want a healthy society, providing information is crucial because the quality of vaccines will only improve as a result of public pressure.

Ključne besede:vaccination, adjuvants, mandatory vaccination, vaccine ingredients, history

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