The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine the posture of young volleyball players aged 10-13 and whether already at this age, due to one-sided loading at volleyball, irregularities or asymmetry in posture occur. Based on the obtained results, we wanted to determine whether significant differences in posture between different groups occur. In the research, we evaluated the posture of 16 young volleyball players from the volleyball club Radenci, aged from 10 to 13, with the method of observation. We evaluated their posture with the help of a grading sheet, with the view from the side, front and rear. The research participants also filled in a short survey questionnaire, with which we determined their physical activity and possible physical injuries. We collected, edited and statistically analysed the data using the SPSS statistical programme. All the participants are right-handers; they use the right hand to carry out the attack hit and the serve. We have found that the irregularities in the posture of volleyball players begin to appear in the feet, and consequently they also appear in the knees. A kypho-lordotic posture appears in 75% of participants. We also found that 43.8% of the participants have a raised pelvis on the right side, and 43.8% of the participants have a left pelvis rotation. Survey participants are experiencing asymmetries in the shoulder girdle, half of them have a dropped right shoulder and 18.8% a dropped left shoulder. We also found that 62.5% of the survey participants have a dropped right scapula and 31.3% the left scapula. Only 2 participants were placed in a group with a normal posture, therefore we concluded that irregularities in the posture of the volleyball players occur. Since there are only 2 participants with a normal posture, we did not have to carry out any statistical analysis. Thus, we did not find whether there are significant differences in the posture between the group that is engaged only in volleyball and the group that is engaged in other sports as well. For the same reasons, we did not have to determine whether there were any differences in the posture between the group that was previously injured and the group that had not yet suffered an injury.