
Vpliv gibljivosti ramenskega obroča na hitrost vaterpolskega meta : diplomsko delo
ID Žagar, Kristina (Avtor), ID Štirn, Igor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil izmeriti nekatere antropometrijske značilnosti in narediti teste gibljivosti ramenskega sklepa pri mladih vaterpolistih ter ugotoviti, kateri od teh testov pokažejo največjo povezanost s hitrostjo osnovnega meta pri vaterpolu. Raziskava je bila izvedena v juniju in juliju 2018, na 15. vaterpolistih, igralcih vaterpolo kluba Ljubljana Slovan. Vaterpolisti so bili iz treh starostnih skupin: U15, U17 in U19, izbrani pa glede na njihovo kakovost in uspešnost v igri. S tehtnico in merilom telesne višine sta bili izmerjeni osnovni antropometrijski spremenljivki teža (TT) in višina (TV). Veliko merilo nam je pripomoglo k izmeri razpona rok (RR). Ta test je pripomogel k normalizaciji testa zvinek s palico. Z malim merilom smo izmerili upogib ramena leže na prsih. Velikost kota pri zunanji in notranji rotaciji ramena je bila izmerjena s pomočjo programa Kinovea iz posnetkov izvedbe testa. Kot zadnji test gibljivosti je bil uporabljen dotik dlani za hrbtom. Igralec se je usedel na stol, pri tem naredil dotik dlani za hrbtom, pri čemer je bila fotografirana njegova končna postavitev dlani. Uspešnost testae bila določena glede na predhodno postavljeno lestvico. Hitrost žoge pri osnovnem metu z neprekinjenim zamahom z razdalje 7m je bila izmerjena z radarjem. Ugotovili smo, da so s hitrostjo osnovnega meta povezane le antropometrijske spremenljivke. Ostali testi gibljivosti povezanosti s hitrostjo meta niso pokazali. Tudi, ko smo antropometrijske spremenljivke (razpon rok in telesno višino) postavili kot kontrolni spremenljivki (kovariati), statistično značilne povezanosti nismo ugotovili. V zaključku ugotavljamo, da rezultati testov gibljivosti ramenskega obroča na našem vzorcu vaterpolistov starih od 14-18 let niso pokazali povezanosti s hitrostjo žoge pri osnovnem metu.  

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vaterpolo, hitrost, gibljivost, osnovni met, petmetovka
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103562 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5425585 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.09.2018
Število ogledov:1405
Število prenosov:271
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The purpose of this thesis was to measure certain anthropometric characteristics and run tests on the flexibility of the shoulder joint in young water polo players to determine which of these tests show the greatest correlation between velocity and the basic throw in water polo. The research was carried out in June and July 2018, at the 15th Water Polo Games at the Ljubljana Slovan club. Water polo players were from three age groups: U15, U17 and U19. They were selected according to their quality and successful performance in the game. By means of a scale and measuring body height, both basic anthropometric variables were measured including weight (TT) and height (TV). The long measurement helped to measure arm span (RR). This test served to normalize the overhead stick rotation. The short measurement served to measure the movement of the shoulder while lying face down. The angle size of the external and internal shoulder rotation was measured using the Kinovea program from performance images. The shoulder mobility test involved the contact of the palms behind the back and was the final test in the gym. While the player sat in a chair the contact of the palms behind the back were photographed in their final position. The success of the test was determined according to the pre-set scale. The velocity of the ball using the basic throw with a continuous swing was measured by radar at a distance of 7 meters. It was confirmed in our research that only anthropometric variables correlate with the velocity of the basic throw. Other tests of mobility demonstrated no correlation. Also, when anthropometric variables (arm span and body height) were used as control variables (covariates), no statistically significant correlation was found. In conclusion, we confirm that the results of the tests of the mobility of the rotator cuff on our sample of water polo players 14-18 years of age demonstrated no correlation with the velocity of the ball using the basic throw.  

Ključne besede:water polo, velocity, mobility, basic throw, five-meter penalty shot

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