The dissertation Discusses the ways of learning of students from Faculty of Sport. So that we have even found out what methods they are using, the dissertation at first contains, the ways of learning that exist in general, how did this evolve thrue time, other factors that have an impact on that, that the studiing is more efficient.
By obtaining some data, which are for us relevant, we have helped ourselves with an questionnaire. We have distributed the questionnaire via the internet among students from Faculty of Sport. With the data wich we have than gathered, we then had the necessary informations for further analysis. With the data we have found out what learning ways the students ftom Faculty of Sport have.
Our Goal was also to find out, if the ways of learning between girls and boys differed. Here we have set a hypothesis that there are no differences between boys and girls. The results of the questionnaire have then shown, that there are some differences in ways of learning between girls and boys. But not in all aspects. Because of that we have our thesis refuted.