
Od vseh in od nikogar
ID Sever, Toncek (Avtor), ID Barši, Jože (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Grafenauer, Petja (Komentor)

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V diplomski nalogi bom raziskal, ovrednotil svoj umetniški pristop skozi moje delo, referenčne točke v umetnosti in jih uskladil s teorijo. Od vseh in od nikogar so podobe, ki jih bom predstavil v njihovem notranjem in zunanjem svetu. V svojih delih govorim o svoji obsedenosti s konji in umetniškem dialogu z njimi. Začetki prikazovanja in predstavljanja konj segajo v prazgodovino, ko so bile te živali še divje. Ne glede na to, kakšen je bil motiv teh zgodnjih umetnikov, je takšna umetnostna zgodovina dokaz zgodnjega odnosa med konjem in človekom. Kmalu po udomačitvi 4000 let pr.n.š. so imeli konji ključno vlogo pri širjenju civilizacije, hkrati pa tudi veliko vlogo v svetu umetnosti. Konji so skozi stoletja hodili skupaj s človekom v vlogi partnerja, pomočnika. So statusni simbol, simbol energije živega bitja in duha, so vir navdiha in vodnik do globljih človeških vrednot. V relaciji do lastnega dela me je zanimala podoba konja skozi različne pristope in uporabe mimezisa skozi zgodovino in klasično kiparstvo, do praks prejšnjega stoletja in sodobnih umetnikov. Moje delo je refleksija podobe konja v današnjem času.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kiparstvo, koncept, mimezis, instalacija, montaža, sodobno kiparstvo, podoba, diplomska naloga
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ALUO - Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103381 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.09.2018
Število ogledov:1197
Število prenosov:263
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:From all and from noone
In my graduation thesis I will explore, evaluate my artistic approach through my work, the reference points in art and harmonize them with theory. Of All and from Noone represent images that I will present in their inner and outer world. In my work I'm talking about obsession with images of a horse and artistic dialogue with them. The beginnings of displaying and representing horses date to prehistory when these animals were still wild. No matter what the motive of these early artists was, such art history is evidence of the early relationship between horse and man. Shortly after the domestication of horses 4000 years before Christ, they played a key role in the spread of civilization and at the same time also played a major role in the world of art. Through centuries, horses have walked together with man as partners, assistants. They are a status symbol, a symbol of the energy of a living being and spirit, a source of inspiration and a guide to deeper values of the human being. In relation to my work I was interested in the image of a horse through various approaches and the use of mimesis through history and classical sculpture to practices of the past century and contemporary artists. My work is a reflection of the image of a horse today.

Ključne besede:sculpture, concept, mimezis, installation, editing, contemporary sculpture, image, BA thesis

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