
Raziskave izbranih kozolcev v muzeju na prostem
ID Hočevar, Luka (Avtor), ID Čufar, Katarina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Merela, Maks (Komentor)

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Dolenjska je znana po velikem številu lesenih kmečkih objektov, muzej na prostem Dežela kozolcev v Šentrupertu pa ohranja to edinstveno kulturno dediščino. V muzeju smo izbrali 4 kozolce ter opravili dendrokronološke raziskave za določitev starosti in morebitne predelave objektov. Vzorce lesa za raziskave so sodelavci Oddelka za lesarstvo odvzeli že pred prestavitvijo kozolcev v muzej. Vzorce smo v laboratoriju pripravili za analizo in s programom TSAP Win izmerili širine branik. Zaporedja širin branik smo sinhronizirali, sestavili kronologije objektov in jih datirali z referenčnimi kronologijami. Raziskani les, večinoma iz stebrov kozolcev, je bil hrastov (Quercus sp.). Les za stebre Zatlerjevega kozolca, ki je pred prestavitvijo stal v vasi Rakovnik, na domačiji Zatlerjevih, smo datirali v leto 1878. Letnica izdelave 1878 je zapisana tudi v rokovniku Zatlerjevih. Lapov kozolec smo datirali v leto 1910. Božičev kozolec je prvotno stal na domačiji v Prelesju. Datirali smo ga v leto 1956. Pluskarjev kozolec smo datirali v več obdobij. Dva stebra sta narejena iz lesa posekanega po letu 1854 in nakazujeta prvotno postavitev kozolca. Datacija 1909 nakazuje, da je bil en steber zamenjan po tem letu, kar ni zabeleženo v nobenem razpoložljivem viru. Datacija 1954 za dva stebra pa kaže na obnovo v letu 1956, kar imajo zapisano tudi v gradivih muzeja Dežela kozolcev.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kozolec, leseni objekti, Dolenjska, dendrokronologija, identifikacija lesa
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[L. Hočevar]
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103353 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:2952329 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.09.2018
Število ogledov:1375
Število prenosov:273
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Research of selected hay racks in an open-air museum
The Dolenjska region in Slovenia is known as a land of many wooden rural buildings. The open-air museum Dežela kozolcev (Land of Hayracks) in the village of Šentrupert was established to preserve this unique cultural heritage. We selected four hayracks from the museum and performed dendrochronological analyses to determine the years of formation of the outermost rings, as well as the age and possible renewals of objects. Wood samples for research were taken in 2012 by the research team of the Department of Wood Science and Technology, before the hayracks were moved to the museum. The samples were processed in the laboratory, and the width of the annual tree-rings was measured using the TSAP Win programme. The tree-ring series were crossdated to establish chronologies of the objects, which were finally dated with reference chronologies of oak from Slovenia. The wood taken mostly from hayrack pillars was in all cases oak (Quercus sp.). The wood used for the pillars of the Zatler's hayrack, which was previously located in the village of Rakovnik, was dated to 1878. The year 1878 is also recorded as the year of the hayrack construction in the documents of the Zatler family. The Lap's hayrack was dated to 1910. The Božič's hayrack, which was originally located at the homestead in the village of Prelesje, was dated to 1956. The Pluskar's hayrack has got pillars from several periods. Two of them were made of timber cut after 1854, which presumably indicates the construction of the original hayrack. One pillar dates to 1909, which indicates that it has been replaced during a reconstruction or reparation stage that has not been recorded. The end date 1954 on two other pillars however points to the renovation in 1956, which has also been recorded in the documents of the Dežela kozolcev open-air museum.

Ključne besede:hay-rack, wooden building, Dolenjska – Slovenia, dendrochronology, wood identification

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