
Ocena tveganja podhranjenosti s testom STRONGkids in prehranskega statusa z antropometričnimi meritvami pri hospitaliziranih in zdravih otrocih
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Podhranjenost pri otrocih pomembno vpliva na rast in razvoj in ima različne klinične posledice. Za zgodnje odkrivanje podhranjenosti oziroma tveganja za pojav le-te uporabljamo presejalne teste, med katerimi se je za otroke v Evropi najbolj uveljavil test STRONGkids. V raziskavo smo vključili dve skupini otrok in mladostnikov, starih med 1 in 19 leti. V prvi skupini so bili otroci hospitalizirani na Pediatrični kliniki UKC Ljubljana. V drugi skupini pa zdravi otroci, ki so prišli na sistematični zdravstveni pregled v Zdravstveni dom Ljubljana Center. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 234 zdravih in 151 hospitaliziranih otrok. S testom STRONGkids smo ugotavljali tveganje za podhranjenost. Nato smo pri istih otrocih opravili še antropometrične meritve (telesna višina, masa, indeks telesne mase, merjenje debeline kožnih gub in izračun deleža telesne maščobe) in jih primerjali s standardi za otroke ustrezne starosti in spola. Na koncu smo primerjali število ugotovljenih dejansko podhranjenih otrok s številom tistih s povečanim tveganjem za podhranjenost glede na rezultate presejalnega testa STRONGkids. Med otroci na sistematičnih pregledih smo našli le zmerno tveganje za podhranjenost pri 4,7 % otrok. Pri hospitaliziranih otrocih je bil odstotek otrok z visokim tveganjem za podhranjenost 9,9 %, z zmernim tveganjem za podhranjenost pa 47,7 %. Odstotek podhranjenih otrok v bolnišnici je bil glede na antropometrične meritve 13,2 %, glede na meritve kožnih gub pa 17,5 %. V zdravi skupini otrok je bilo glede na antropometrične meritve podhranjenih 0,4 % otrok, glede na rezultate meritev kožnih gub pa 14,3 %. Test STRONGkids se je skupno izkazal kot zelo občutljiv, dobro specifičen in natančen, z nizko pozitivno in visoko negativno napovedno vrednostjo. Test STRONGkids bi se zato lahko uporabljal za presejanje hospitaliziranih otrok, kot tudi za presejanje zdravih otrok.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:prehrana, podhranjenost, otroci, presejanje, presejalna orodja, STRONGkids, antropometrija, kožne gube
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[M. Bizjak]
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103287 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:4945784 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:15.09.2018
Število ogledov:2825
Število prenosov:595
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Assessment of the risk of malnutrition with STRONGkids test and nutritional status by anthropometric measurements in hospitalized and healthy children
Child malnutrition has a significant effect on growth and development and it has various clinical consequences. Screening tests are used to detect an early malnutrition or the risk of the development of malnutrition and among the tests for children in Europe, the STRONGkids test has been the most successful. The study included two groups of children and adolescents aged between 1 and 19 years. In the first group, there were children hospitalized in the Clinic of Pediatrics of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. In the second group, there were healthy children who came to the systematic medical examination in the health care center. The study included 234 healthy and 151 hospitalized children. The STRONGkids screening tool was used to determine children with risk of malnutrition. Then, we performed anthropometric measurements (body height, mass, body mass index, skinfold measurements, and the calculation of body fat percentage) with the same children and compared them with the standards for children with the same age and gender. Finally, we compared the number of children with malnutrition recognized by using anthropometric measurement with the number of children with an increased risk for malnutrition development according to the results of the STRONGkids screening tool. Among the group of healthy children we found a moderate risk of malnutrition at only 4.7 % of children. In the hospitalized group of children, the percentage of children with a high risk of malnutrition was 9.9 %. A moderate risk of malnutrition was 47.7 %. The percentage of malnourished children in the hospital group of children was 13.2 % according to the anthropometric measurements, and 17.5 % due to the skinfold measurement. In the healthy group of children, we recognized 0.4 % malnourished children due to the anthropometric measurements and 14.3 % due to the skinfold measurement. The STRONGkids test proved to be very sensitive, well specific and accurate, with a low positive and high negative predictive value. The STRONGkids test could be used as a screening tool for hospitalized and healthy children.

Ključne besede:nutrition, malnutrition, kids, screening, screening tools, STRONGkids, antropometry, skin folds

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