Printed electronics is gaining traction on the market because of many new interesting applications that conventional electronics just cannot reach. Traditional printing techniques are used to make printed electronics. Functional materials with different conductive properties are used for printing: conductive, semiconductive, and dielectric materials. The main advantage of printed electronics is the possibility of printing on flexible substrates such as foil, textiles, and paper. Fabrication of printed electronics on paper is challenging because the paper is a living material. The problem is that paper has higher roughness and it is hygroscopic. In this master's thesis, a prototype of the printed capacitive slider has been printed on three different substrates. The impact of the paper substrate on the functioning of the slider was studied. Substrates were analyzed according to their moisture content, roughness, ink absorption, contact angle and electrical resistance. Furthermore, eight different designs for printed capacitive sliders were designed. The capacitance between the sliders electrodes was measured. The design with the highest capacitance was selected for further research. The capacitive slider with the selected design was connected to a development kit and compared to a commercial one. The conventional capacitance slider on the development kit was replaced with the printed one. Using the electrotechnical program, signal strength on the chip was measured when the slider was touched. The measurements showed that the printed capacitive slider has better signal strength compared to the commercial slider. On the other hand, the comparison of different substrates of the printed capacitive sliders showed that the substrate has no influence on the functioning of printed capacitive sliders.