The purpose of this dissertation is to present and collect exercises for healing children's flat feet. The process includes strengthening small foot muscles that are important for maintaining the foot bow. The dissertation is writen in monography form. First part includes theory of anatomy and function of the feet, a definition of what flat feet are, and what methodes are used to give the diagnosis and how to evaluate them. The second part deals with the methods and actions of healing flat feet. Moreover this part includes the corrective exercises with added photo material and guidelines for more effective and interesting implementation.
Primal problem in this field is how to give a diagnosis and how to evaluate flat foot based on the age of a child while the foot is developing. Foot bow is supposed to heal automatically, but there are some cases that this does not apply. In such cases it is necessary to strengthen the muscles that are obtaining the foot bow in the early childhood. Therefore it is very important to support the children while developing their motorical skills.
The described exercises have been developed specifically for children. This means they are simple, do not require a lot of space and can be used anywhere. They are effective and prevent child to develop flat feet and other feet deformations.