
Grafična priprava kuharske knjige
ID Resnik, Janja (Author), ID Urbas, Raša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Skoraj ni človeka, ki ne bi imel doma vsaj ene kuharske knjige ali zbirke domačih receptov, ki se prenašajo že več generacij. Mnogokrat se zgodi, da se takšni recepti izgubijo, pomešajo ali v njih zbledi črnilo in s tem recept izgubimo. Da do tega ne bi prišlo, je recepte smiselno združiti v kuharske knjige, ki nato še več desetletij služijo kot prenašanje izvirnih receptov v naslednje generacije. Namen diplomskega dela je bil združiti domače recepte v kuharsko knjigo. Oblikovane so bile naslovne in notranje strani, s pomočjo fotografij pa so bile kar najbolje prikazane določene jedi, ki jih je s predstavljenimi recepti mogoče pripraviti. V teoretičnem delu je v prvi vrsti predstavljen razvoj kuharskih knjig skozi zgodovino. Najprej so predstavljene stare kuharske knjige z območja Evrope, ki jim sledi predstavitev kuharskih knjig, ki so nastale na območju Slovenije oziroma so zapisane v slovenskem jeziku. Sledijo osnovni postopki grafične priprave, ki so potrebni za izdelavo kuharske knjige, in tehnološke operacije v grafični dodelavi, ki se tičejo izdelave knjige s trdno vezavo. V eksperimentalnem delu je bila izvedena raziskava, s katero je bilo ugotovljeno, katere kuharske knjige na trgu že obstajajo, s pomočjo spletne ankete pa tudi, kakšne kuharske knjige želijo uporabniki. Na podlagi tega smo izdelali novo kuharsko knjigo, ki bi kuhinjo približala posebej mladim, ki so vedno manj zainteresirani za kuho in peko. Med raziskavo in izdelavo nove kuharske knjige smo ugotovili, da je ponudba na trgu zelo velika in predvsem raznolika. Knjige se med seboj razlikujejo v prvi vrsti po vsebnosti fotografij (starejše knjige jih pogosto ne vsebujejo), vrsti pisav (večinoma pisave s serifi) in knjižnem formatu, ki je pri novejših knjigah pogosto občutno večjih velikosti kot pri starejših kuharskih knjigah.

Keywords:grafična priprava, kuharska knjiga, oblikovanje, recepti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102697 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Graphic prepress of a cookbook
There probably isn't one person that doesn't have at least one cook book at home, or either a collection of recepies, that pass on through the generations. It often happens that those recepies get lost or mix up, or in other case the ink fades, following the recipe to get vanished. To prevent this to happen, we should combine those recipes into a cookbook, to savet hem fort he next generations. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to combine home recipes into a cook book and give it it's corporate identity. The covers and pages inside the book have been designed, alongside with pictures, that showed exactly what dish one can cook with the help of containing recipes. In theoretical part of diploma thesis firstly the developement of cookbooks on the area of Europe is presented, followed by introduction to cookbooks, that were made in Slovenia or were writen in slovenian language. In the next chapter the basic procedures of prepress and postpress, that are included in the making of a hardcover book, are presented. In the experimental part of the diplom thesis the research has been made, with which it was found which cook book already exist on the market, and with the help of internet survey what kind of books users want. With the results the new cookbookwith it's entitled corporate visual identity has been made. It will bring cooking and baking closer to younger people, who often don't have interest in cooking and baking. To conclude, we found that the choice of cookbooks on the market is wide, and so every book is different in some way. The books differ mostly on the fact, that older ones do not include photos. Typography is also very different in various books, but most of them include serif typefaces. The size of cook boos varies through the developement of books (older books are usually much smaller, than today's books).

Keywords:cookbok, design, graphic prepress, recipes

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