
Zmogljivost odriva sonožnega in enonožnega skoka pri baletkah in odbojkaricah : diplomsko delo
ID Jereb, Vesna (Avtor), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Uvod: Moč spodnjih udov v baletu ni potrebna samo za eksplozivnost, torej za skoke, temveč tudi za ravnotežje, ki je nujno za vzdrževanje določenega položaja in zahteva mišično moč in koordinacijo. Tudi od igralcev odbojke se zahteva, da dobro skačejo, saj so skoki osnovna spretnost, ki jo morajo pridobiti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti zmogljivost odriva pri sonožnem vertikalnem skoku preko počepa in pri vertikalnem skoku preko počepa na eni nogi pri skupini baletk in pri skupini odbojkaric in ugotoviti morebitne razlike med njimi. Zanimala nas je tudi morebitna razlika med vertikalnim skokom z dominantno nogo in vertikalnim skokom z ne-dominantno nogo znotraj skupine. Metode dela: Testirali smo sonožne skoke ter skoke z dominantno in ne-dominantno nogo pri 15 baletkah in 11 odbojkaricah, starih med 18 in 22 let. Uporabili smo pritiskovno ploščo Kistler 9286 AA. Analizirali smo tri spremenljivke; porabljeno energijo preiskovanke, čas trajanja skoka in višino skoka. Rezultati: Pri sonožnem vertikalnem skoku je povprečna višina odbojkaric 28,82 cm in baletk 25,68 cm, razlika je statistično pomembna (p = 0,022). Povprečna poraba energije odbojkaric je 192 J, baletk pa 140 J. Razlika je statistično pomembna (p = 0,00002). Pri vertikalnem skoku z dominanto nogo je povprečna višina odbojkaric 12,47 cm in baletk 11,03 cm, kar je statistično pomembna razlika (p = 0,028), povprečna poraba energije odbojkaric je 82 J in baletk 63 J, razlika je statistično pomembna (p = 0,007). Z ne-dominantno nogo je višina vertikalnega skoka pri odbojkaricah 11,56 cm, pri baletkah 11,03 cm, razlika ni statistično pomembna (p = 0,43). Povprečna poraba energije odbojkaric je 77 J in baletk 59 J, kar je statistično pomembna razlika (p = 0,004). Povprečna razlika v višini vertikalnega skoka z dominantno in z ne-dominantno nogo je pri odbojkaricah 1,2 cm, pri baletkah pa 0,002 cm. Razprava in sklep: Rezultati kažejo, da pri sonožnem skoku in pri skoku z dominantno nogo odbojkarice skočijo višje od baletk, pri skoku z ne-dominantno nogo pa ni statistično pomembnih razlik med skupinama. Pri baletkah je med mišično funkcijo dominantne noge in ne-dominantne noge manj razlik kot pri odbojkaricah. Med seboj bi bilo smiselno primerjati tudi druge vrste športa in plesa.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zmogljivost odriva, vertikalni skok, baletke, odbojkarice
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102477 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5470827 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.08.2018
Število ogledov:1304
Število prenosov:242
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Bilateral and unilateral vertical jump performance of female ballet dancers and female volleyball players : diploma work
Introduction: In ballet, the strength of the lower limbs is not only necessary for explosive manoeuvres but also for balance – maintaining a certain position which demands muscular strength and coordination. The volleyball players are also expected to master leaps and jumps which are treated as a basic ability that they must develop. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation was to find out whether the performance of the bilateral vertical countermovement jump and the unilateral vertical countermovement jump differs between a group of female ballet dancers and a group of female volleyball players, and to distinguish the potential differences between the two. Additionally, we were interested in the possible distinction between the vertical jump performed by the dominant or the nondominant leg inside the interest group. Methods: We tested the bilateral and unilateral vertical countermovement jumps with the dominant or nondominant leg among 15 female ballet dancers and 11 female volleyball players aged from 18 to 22. The test was performed with the Kistler 9286 AA force plate. We analyzed three variables - the energy burnt by the tested subject, the flight time of the jump, and the height of the jump. Results: The average height of the bilateral vertical jump of the volleyball players was 28.82 cm and 25.68 cm for the ballet dancers, respectively represents statistical significance difference (p = 0.022). The average used-up energy for the bilateral vertical jump is 192 J for the volleyball players and 140 J for the ballet dancers. The difference between the two is statistically significant (p = 0.00002). The average height of the vertical jump with the dominant leg of the volleyball players was 12.47 cm and 11.03 cm for the ballet dancers, which is also statistically significant (p = 0.028). The average used-up energy for this jump is 82 J for the volleyball players and 63 J for the ballet dancers. The difference is statistically significant (p = 0.007). The average height of the vertical jump with the nondominant leg of the volleyball players was 11.56 cm and 11.03 cm for the ballet dancers. The difference between the two is not statistically significant (p = 0.43). The average used-up energy for this jump is 77 J for the volleyball players and 59 J for the ballet dancers, which is statistically significant (p = 0.004). The average difference between the height of the vertical jump with the dominant leg and the nondominant leg measures 1.2 cm for the volleyball players and 0.002 cm for the ballet dancers. Discussion and conclusion: According to the results, the volleyball players jump higher than the ballet dancers at the bilateral vertical countermovement jump and the vertical jump performed by the dominant leg. There is no statistically significant difference between the studied groups at the vertical jump with the nondominant leg. There is also less difference in muscle power between the dominant and nondominant leg of the ballet dancers than of the volleyball players. Further research should include other types of sport and dance.

Ključne besede:vertical jump performance, vertical jump, female ballet dancers, female volleyball players

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