
Logoped surdopedagog v mobilni specialno-pedagoški službi
ID Ravnikar, Maja (Avtor), ID Košir, Stanislav (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5221/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Logoped surdopedagog je eden od strokovnih profilov, ki dela z osebami z govorno jezikovnimi motnjami ter gluhimi in naglušnimi osebami. Za uspešno sporazumevanje so potrebni ustrezno razviti govor, jezik in sluh. Pri težavah na področju sporazumevanja je ključnega pomena zgodnja obravnava. Ravno zato je vedno več otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi težavami že v vrtcu usmerjenih k logopedu surdopedagogu. Žal pa večina vrtcev, pa tudi šol, nima zaposlenega svojega logopeda surdopedagoga. Težavo v slovenskem prostoru rešujemo tako, da si več ustanov deli logopeda surdopedagoga. Ta deluje v različnih ustanovah, zato ga imenujemo mobilni logoped surdopedagog. Raziskava je nastala z namenom, da analiziramo delo mobilnih logopedov surdopedagogov ter ugotovimo, kako doživljajo odnos vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in staršev do njihovega dela. Zanimalo nas je, kakšno je dejansko stanje na terenu. V empiričnem delu smo se usmerili na mobilne logopede surdopedagoge in njihovo mnenje o stanju na terenu. Zanimala so nas predvsem naslednja področja: naloge mobilnega logopeda surdopedagoga, neposredno delo z otroki, dodatna strokovna pomoč, sodelovanje, prostorski pogoji, materialni pogoji, prednosti in slabosti mobilnega dela, težave mobilnega dela, korist mobilnega dela ter doživljanje odnosa s strani vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in staršev. Uporabili smo avtorski vprašalnik, ki zajema podatke o respondentih (delovna doba, matična zaposlitev, število delovnih lokacij, število obravnavanih otrok). Poleg podatkov o respondentih vsebuje šest vsebinskih sklopov: naloge mobilnega logopeda surdopedagoga, neposredno delo z otroki, dodatna strokovna pomoč, sodelovanje, pogoji dela ter doživljanje odnosa s strani vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in staršev do njihovega dela. Rezultati so pokazali, da je delo mobilnega logopeda surdopedagoga zelo dinamično, zahteva veliko stopnjo samoorganizacije in samoiniciative ter da se udeleženci srečujejo s številnimi težavami. Kljub vsemu pa se na delovnem mestu počutijo sprejete.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:logoped
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102323 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12084809 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.08.2018
Število ogledov:2829
Število prenosov:271
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf in specialized mobile pedagogical service
Speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf is an expert who is working with people with speech and language disorders and people with hearing impairment. For a successful communication, speech, language and hearing should be appropriately developed. In the context of communication problems, early childhood intervention is crucial. That is why more and more children with speech-language problems are already in the kindergarten directed to speech and language therapist or teacher of the deaf. Unfortunately, most kindergartens, as well as schools, do not have an employee of their speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf. In Slovenia, we solve the problem by sharing one speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf into several institutions. Because he works in various institutions we call him a mobile speech and language therapist – teacher for deaf. The reason for the conduction of this research was to analyse work of mobile speech and language therapists – teachers of the deaf and to find out how they are experiencing the attitude of educators, teachers and parents to their work. We were interested what the actual situation in practice is. The empirical part focuses on mobile speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf and their opinion on the situation in practice. We were especially interested in the following areas: tasks of mobile speech and language therapists – teachers of the deaf, direct work with children, additional professional help, cooperation, spatial conditions, material conditions, advantages and disadvantages of mobile work, problems of mobile work, the benefit of mobile work, and their experiencing relationships with educators, teachers and parents. For this thesis, an author questionnaire was made. It consists data on respondents (time of employment, basic employment, number of work locations, number of children treated). In addition to the data on respondents, it contains six content sections: tasks of mobile speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf, direct work with children, additional professional help, cooperation and working conditions, and experiencing the relationship of educators, teachers and parents to their work. Research results showed that the work of the mobile speech and language therapist – teacher of the deaf is very dynamic, requires a large degree of self-organization and self-initiative, and that the participants encounter many problems. Nevertheless, they feel accepted at the workplace.

Ključne besede:speech and language therapist

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