
Sprejem satelitskih radijskih in televizijskih signalov pri končnem uporabniku
ID BILBAN, VALENTIN (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni elementi in tehnologije, ki sodelujejo pri samem prenosu signalov do končnih uporabnikov. Bistvo naloge so satelitske komunikacije, torej prenos satelitskih radijskih in televizijskih signalov v domove uporabnikov. Danes za prenos uporabljamo večinoma DVB-S2 tehnologijo, saj se tehnologija DVB-S počasi opušča. V razvoju je še DVB-S2X tehnologija, ki se trenutno še ne uporablja tako pogosto. Vsaka tehnologija, ki je sodobnejša, omogoča boljšo kakovost slike in zvoka. Vsak operater želi, da bi svoje programe preko satelita prenašal do končnih uporabnikov vse dni v letu nemoteno, vendar je to praktično nemogoče. Težave, ki nastajajo, so največkrat posledica vplivov v samem ozračju, kot so dež, oblaki, megla itd. Tega si sicer ne želi ne operater ne uporabnik, vendar je žal neizogibno. Namen naloge je preveriti, kako se teorija ujema v praksi, saj teorija natančno opisuje, kaj se dogaja s signalom v jasnem in deževnem vremenu. V zadnjem letu sem bil zaposlen v podjetju AVS Gorjup, kjer sem pridobil nova znanja in izkušnje, ki sem jih uporabil pri pisanju diplomske naloge. Ker o prenosu satelitskih radijskih in televizijskih signalov do končnega uporabnika v slabših vremenskih pogojih najdemo zelo malo opisanih konkretnih primerov, sem se odločil, da bom v diplomski nalogi to področje raziskal. Več let sem po spletu in drugih virih iskal konkretno opisane primere, vendar jih še do danes nisem našel v takšni obliki, zato sem jih prikazal v nalogi in dokazal, da teorija drži. Končni uporabniki lahko s primerjavo meritev v vseh vremenskih pogojih dejansko tudi grafično preberejo, kakšne so razlike v sprejetem signalu in si s tem lahko lažje predstavljajo, zakaj prihaja do prekinitev slike in zvoka na televizijskem ekranu ali radijskem sprejemniku. Cilj naloge je preveriti vso izbrano teorijo in z meritvami sprejetih satelitskih signalov raziskati, ali vsa teorija glede različnih vremenskih pojavov v ozračju, ki vplivajo na prenos signala, res drži. Z diplomsko nalogo želim predstaviti razlike sprejetih signalov v različnih vremenskih pogojih.

Keywords:televizija, radio, tirnice, modulacije, kodeki, polarizacije, MPEG, DVB, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101784 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Receiving of satellite radio and television signals at the end user
The thesis presents the elements and technologies that participate in transmission of signals to the end users. The essence of the thesis are satellite communications, that is, the transmission of satellite radio and television signals to the users’ homes. Today, we mainly use DVB-S2 technology for transmission, as DVB-S technology is slowly abandoning. DVB-S2X technology, which is currently not being used so often, is under development. Any technology that is more modern enables better picture and sound quality. Every operator wants to transmit their programs via satellite to the end users all day long in a smooth way, but this is virtually impossible. The problems that arise are often the result of influences in the atmosphere itself, such as rain, clouds, fog, etc. Operator, as well as user do not want this, but unfortunately, it is unavoidable. The purpose of the thesis is to examine how theory matches practice, since the theory accurately describes what happens with the signal in clear and rainy weather. In the last year, I was employed by AVS Gorjup. There, I gained new knowledge and experience that I used to write my thesis. Since there are very few concrete examples on transmission of satellite radio and television signals to the end user in worse weather conditions, I decided to explore this field in the thesis. For years, I have been looking for specific examples on the Internet and in other sources, but I have not found them to this day, so I showed them in the task and proved that the theory holds. By comparing the measurements in all weather conditions, end-users can actually also graphically read the differences in the received signal, and thus they can easily imagine why interruptions of picture and sound in a television screen or radio receiver occur. The aim of the thesis is to verify all the chosen theory and to measure the accepted satellite signals in order to investigate whether all the theory holds true about the various weather phenomena in the atmosphere that influence the transmission of the signal. In the graduation thesis, I want to present the differences between the received signals in different weather conditions.

Keywords:television, radio, rails, modulation, codecs, polarizations, MPEG, DVB, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X

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