Employee satisfaction is an important guide in the corporate world as happy worker is a more effective, more efficient and has more internalized idea of the company. To this can contribute efficient, effective and quality communication within the company between all members of the organization.
This work examines the factors of communication and determines the types of communication, because communication is different depending on the direction, the form, and the number of participants. The elements of communication are defined, as well as the deficiencies of this. It identifies the differences between successful and effective communication, the importance of the coexistence of verbal and non-verbal communication, and the perception of both ways as one. As part of internal communication, the terms of the meeting and the annual personal interview are defined. In the section "communication in the company", the effects of communication on the satisfaction of employees have been studied, because successful and effective communication enables employees to obtain all the necessary information that they need for the good performance of their work. Also, an important part of internal communication is the conflict, which does not necessarily bring bad influence, but also a positive effect. Also, the method of solving conflicts and the conduct of the leader is also important.
Part of the thesis is a study on employee satisfaction in selected organization by means of which they revive all theoretically defined terms. The survey results have helped to explore scope for improvement in the company and thus offer the possibility to improve.