Claims as non-material objects are often objects of real insurances of obligations, either of a pledge right of a claim or fiduciary cession. Business practice has also developed some new forms of securing obligations, which are based on fiduciary cession. One of them is global fiduciary cession, where several future and existent debts are transferred into security at the same time. Fiduciary cession is an alternative to the pledge right of a claim and its main dis-tinctive feature is its discretion, which makes it more interesting for creditors. Debtor of a transferred claim thus never finds out about fiduciary cession, except in the case of realization, if the secured claim is not paid. The main faultiness of fiduciary cession is, that fiduciary can dispose of transferred claim in relation to third parties, because it was transferred to his property sphere. Some problems can also apear in the case of multiple cession. The advantage of fiduciary cession in comparison with pledge right of a claim is also its non-accessoriness, which means that the existent fiduciary transfer can be used also for a future debt.