The purpose of our study was to investigate the 7 genotypes (varieties) of sweet maize, namely 2 hybrids ('Zarja' and 'Gold Cup') and 5 populations ('True Gold Sweet Corn', 'Golden Bantam', 'Ashworth', 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun' and 'Mezdi KS'). The study included flowering and milk maturity time, lenght, diameter and weight of ears, plant height, height of the uppermost ear and homogeneity of investigated traits. Fot all traits, the minimum, maximum, mean and CV (%) values were calculated. The trial took place on the experimental fields of the Biotechnical Faculty at Jablje near Ljubljana. Regarding the flowering time, the earliest were 'Ashworth' and 'Zarja', while the latest were 'Gold Cup' and 'True Gold Sweet Corn'. Considering the milk maturity time, the earliest varieties were 'Ashworth' and 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun', and the period from 50 % silking to milk maturity was 25 and 21 days, respectively; while the latest varieties, 'True Gold Sweet Corn' and 'Gold Cup', needed 26 and 29 days, respectively. The total number of days from 50 % silking to milk maturity varied between 12 and 39 days, depending on variety, harvest time and the homogeneity of milk ripening time of individual variety. 'Mezdi KS' was characterised by the highest average weight of ears, and the longest and the thickest ears. 'Ashworth' was the earliest variety and it also exhibited the lowest values of weight and length of ears. 'Zarja' was characterised by average values for most traits and was the most homogeneous in all studied traits.