
Morfološke lastnosti in fenotipska variabilnost različnih genotipov sladke koruze (Zea mays L. saccharata Koern.)
ID Bistan Učakar, Damijana (Author), ID Rozman, Ludvik (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naloge je bil s poljskim poskusom preučiti 7 različnih genotipov sladke koruze in sicer križancev 'Zarja' in 'Gold Cup' ter 5 populacij sladke koruze 'True Gold Sweet Corn', 'Golden Bantam', 'Ashworth', 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun' in 'Mezdi KS' na pridelek, čas cvetenja in čas mlečne zrelosti storžev, nekaterih lastnosti rastline in storža ter izenačenost posameznih genotipov v preučevanih lastnostih. Poskus je bil izveden na poskusnem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Jabljah pri Trzinu po metodiki naključnega bloka v 2 ponovitvah. V času rastne dobe smo beležili čas cvetenja ter izmerili višine rastlin in višine vrhnjih storžev. Storže smo pobirali v času mlečne zrelosti v 3 rokih. Storže smo prešteli, sveže storže stehtali, izmerili dolžino in premer storžev in prešteli vrste zrnja na storžih ter izračunali povprečne vrednosti, koeficient variacije in variacijsko širino. Glede na čas cvetenja sta bili najzgodnejši sorti 'Ashworth' in 'Zarja', najpoznejši pa 'Gold Cup' in 'True Gold Sweet Corn'. Najzgodnejši sorti glede na čas mlečne zrelosti sta 'Ashworth' in 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun', od 50 % svilanja do pobiranja sta potrebovali 25 oziroma 21 dni; najpoznejši sorti 'True Gold Sweet Corn' in 'Gold Cup' pa 26 oziroma 29 dni. Skupno število dni od polnega cvetenja do pobiranja mlečno zrelih storžev se je gibalo med 12 in 39 dnevi, v odvisnosti od sorte, časa pobiranja in enakomernosti dozorevanja posamezne sorte. Sorta 'Mezdi KS' ima največjo povprečno maso storža, najdaljše in najdebelejše storže, z največjim številom vrst zrnja ter najvišjimi rastlinami. Sorta 'Ashworth' je najzgodnejša sorta, a ima najmanjše vrednosti za maso in dolžino storža ter višino rastline. Sorta 'Zarja' ima za večino lastnosti povprečne vrednosti, a je v vseh lastnostih najbolj izenačena.

Keywords:sladka koruza, populacije, fenotipska variabilnost, mlečna zrelost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Bistan Učakar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101170 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8977017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Morphological traits and phenotypic variability of different genotypes of sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata Koern.)
The purpose of our study was to investigate the 7 genotypes (varieties) of sweet maize, namely 2 hybrids ('Zarja' and 'Gold Cup') and 5 populations ('True Gold Sweet Corn', 'Golden Bantam', 'Ashworth', 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun' and 'Mezdi KS'). The study included flowering and milk maturity time, lenght, diameter and weight of ears, plant height, height of the uppermost ear and homogeneity of investigated traits. Fot all traits, the minimum, maximum, mean and CV (%) values were calculated. The trial took place on the experimental fields of the Biotechnical Faculty at Jablje near Ljubljana. Regarding the flowering time, the earliest were 'Ashworth' and 'Zarja', while the latest were 'Gold Cup' and 'True Gold Sweet Corn'. Considering the milk maturity time, the earliest varieties were 'Ashworth' and 'Extrasusser Zuckermais Damaun', and the period from 50 % silking to milk maturity was 25 and 21 days, respectively; while the latest varieties, 'True Gold Sweet Corn' and 'Gold Cup', needed 26 and 29 days, respectively. The total number of days from 50 % silking to milk maturity varied between 12 and 39 days, depending on variety, harvest time and the homogeneity of milk ripening time of individual variety. 'Mezdi KS' was characterised by the highest average weight of ears, and the longest and the thickest ears. 'Ashworth' was the earliest variety and it also exhibited the lowest values of weight and length of ears. 'Zarja' was characterised by average values for most traits and was the most homogeneous in all studied traits.  

Keywords:sweet maize, populations, phenotypic variability, milk maturity

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