The purpose of the thesis was to establish, which factors motivate young adults to choose to study at the department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, what they think of the role of the study when starting to work, their inclusion in various types of education and participation during study, and their expectations or goals connected with employment. The research took place in May 2017 and included students and graduates of the department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies. Due to more complex and detailed view into the matter, the method of focused groups was used with students and online survey with graduates. The results showed that young adults when deciding for the study they choose based on interests about library work and because they like reading or working with people. The main problems, connected with the study programme content, lay in too little contact with practice and actual work with users, and the organization of the curriculum lacks subjects about literature and literary theory and familiarization with professional systems, such as COBISS, HTML5 and Adobe InDesign, which today are used by libraries, information centres and publishers.