The trial was made using technically improved walnut sheller with different accessories on the rotational element of the sheller. Types of accessories on the rotational element of the sheller were as follows: accessory with the spiral on the rim, accessory with the spiral within the rim, accessory without the spiral. Four repetitions were done in the trial using 25 walnuts for each repetition. Centrifugal walnut sheller was used for shelling with the rotational frequency of 18 Hz. The percentage of excessively cracked walnuts (assessment 1), optimally cracked walnuts (assessment 2), not enough cracked walnuts (assessment 3) and uncracked walnuts (assessment 4) was determined. The highest percentage of optimally cracked walnuts (assessment 2) was achieved using accessory with the spiral on the rim (79 %), while the lowest using accessory without the spiral (51 %). By the use of accessory without the spiral 36 % of excessively cracked walnuts (assessment 1) was achieved. However only 6 % of such walnuts was determined, when accessory with the spiral on the rim was used. No differences among three different accessories were found regarding the percentage of not enough cracked walnuts (assessment 3), which ranged from 4 to 9 %. When accessory with the spiral within the rim was used the percentage of uncracked walnuts (assessment 4) was higher (22 %) in comparison with other two types of accessories (4 and 8 %).