
Učni komplet za vodenje sistemov z razvojno ploščo Arduino in Matlabom
ID KREK, GREGA (Avtor), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen učni komplet za delo z razvojno tiskanino Arduino v okolju MATLAB. V glavnem delu je opisana pot do avtomatske regulacije žogice na gredi dolgi 40cm. Regulacija deluje preko programa MATLAB, kamor vpisujemo programsko kodo in programa Simulink, kamor rišemo blokovno shemo. Program MATLAB je preko USB kabla povezan na razvojno ploščo Arduino Uno, katera daje vhodno/izhodne signale sistemu. V prvem delu diplomske naloge se osredotočimo na zaprtozančno PI-regulacijo enosmernega motorja, ki je preko gredi povezan z drugim enosmernim motorjem oz. tahometrom. Posebej izvedemo P in I-regulacijo ter za vsako od regulacij navedemo njene glavne prednosti in slabosti. Simuliramo metodo nihajnega preizkusa in prek znane Nichols-Zieglerjeve metode določimo ojačenja in . Predstavimo model motorja, ki nam poda vse njegove lastnosti. Za lažje računanje modela si pomagamo z Laplace-ovo transformacijo, kjer sta glavni neznanki ojačenje K ter časovna konstanta T. Regulaciji izvedemo s pomočjo enotine stopnice ter preko metode določanja polov. V regulacijo je vključen tudi model sistema, ki prikazuje odziv sistema ob idealnih pogojih. V drugem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen nadzor pozicije motorja in sicer pri močnostnem menjalniku, kjer je glavna lastnost prepoznavanje pozicije oz. kota gredi, ki je povezana z motorjem. Močnostni menjalnik lahko na vhodu krmilimo s potenciometrom ali s pulznim generatorjem, na izhodu je potenciometer, ki je povezan z motorjem menjalnika in daje podatke na analogni vhod. Podane so osnovne lastnosti sistema drugega reda, kjer uporabljamo PID-regulacijo ter na koncu izpeljanki PI-D in I-PD-regulacijo. Ojačenja regulatorjev so izračunana preko polov sistema, ki jih določimo z enačbo sistema drugega reda. V tretjem delu diplomske naloge uporabimo vse znanje, ki smo ga pridobili iz prvih dveh poglavij. Glavna naloga je regulacija žogice na točno določeni točki na gredi. Pozicijo žogice na gredi spremlja svetlobni senzor, ki oddaja in sprejema infrardeči žarek ter tako določa pozicijo žoge na gredi. Gred uravnava močnostni menjalnik, ki prav tako kot senzor daje podatke mikrokrmilniku na analogni vhod. V prvem delu izvedemo PID-regulacijo, v drugem delu pa uporabimo regulacijo s prostorom stanj. V prostoru stanj določimo spremenljivke stanj ter matrične enačbe, ki določajo relacije med vhodom in izhodom sistema.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:MATLAB, Simulink, simulacija, regulacija, PID-regulator
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100573 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:29.03.2018
Število ogledov:2303
Število prenosov:523
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Learning set for systems control with the development board Arduino and Matlab
In the diploma thesis a training kit for working with the development circuit board Arduino in MATLAB environment is presented. The main part describes the development of automatic control of ball on 40cm beam. The control works through the MATLAB program, where we enter the program code and the Simulink program, where we draw a block diagram. The MATLAB program is connected via the USB cable to the Arduino Uno development board, which gives the input / output signals to the system. In the first part of the diploma thesis, we concentrate on the closed loop PI-control of a DC motor, which is connected via a shaft to another DC motor, tachometer. In particular, we perform the P and I-controller, and for each of the control we indicate its main strengths and weaknesses. We simulate the oscillation test method where, through the known Nichols-Ziegler method, we determine the reinforcements and introduce an engine model that gives us all its properties. To facilitate calculating the model, we are using Laplace transformation, where the main unknowns are gain K and the time constant T. The control is performed using the step signal and the pole method. A control system also includes a system model that shows the system's response under ideal conditions. In the second part of the diploma thesis, the control of the position of the engine is presented in the case of a power transmission, where the main characteristic is recognition of the position or angle of the beam that is connected to the engine. The power transmission can be controlled at the input with a potentiometer or with a pulse generator, at the output there is a potentiometer that is connected to the gearbox motor and supplies the data to the analog input. The basic properties of the second-order lag system are given, where we use the PID-control, and finally the derivatives of PI-D and I-PD-control. The controller gains are calculated over the poles of the system, which are determined using the second-order system equation. In the third part of the thesis, we use all the knowledge we have gained from the first two chapters. The main task is to control the ball at a specific point on the shaft. The position of the ball on the beams is accompanied by a light sensor that emits and receives an infrared ray, thus determining the position of the ball on the beam. The shaft controls the power transmission, which, like the sensor, gives the microcontroller data to the analog input. In the first part we carry out the PID-control, while in the second part we use the control in the state space area. In the state space we define the state variables and the matrix equations that define the relations between the input and the output of the system.

Ključne besede:MATLAB, Simulink, simulation, regulation, PID-regulator

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