The following text deals with a question of specific (contemporary) poetical practices, which are strongly connected with the development of new media and world wide web. Following thesis is focused on flarf, spam literature (or spam poetry), code poetry and altlit, but outside the context of digital or new media literature, since its definition is (yet) questionable and problematic. Author questions a link between aforementioned practices and the concept of experimental literature, but the main question remains whether or not these practices are generated by the technological development or historical context. Since we can, due to the temporarity of those practices, face certain difficulties when trying to determine their context, and since they did not yet receive greater acknowledgement by the researchers, the author was bound to shed a light on a possible contexts of those practices on a much smaller scale. To determine those the author of thesis questions originality of certain poetic practices, the advancement of technology, internet culture and, last but not least, specialties regarding different programming languages. Author is aso interested in boundaries between printed and digital literature (in a broad sense of the word) - in a sense of book comunication cycle and other dimensions. The conclusion provides a thesis that the aforementioned literature is not as innovative as it seems, but can still provide a sense of gen uine link with technologies sorrounding it.